Monday, April 09, 2012

The Premier League.

Since the inception of The Premier League, I have never once paid to go to see a match in it.
I object to the fact that there are so many foreign players in their teams - a handful is one thing, wholesale signings of journeymen from abroad limit opportunities for home-grown players.
This also means that there is a knock-on effect to lower league clubs who have fewer opportunities to sell their players to the Premier League.
Wages are simply a disgrace with various consequences:
1) Fans have to pay silly amounts both for SKY and ground entry.
2) It causes proportionate excesses across all the lower leagues.
3) Lower league fans end up paying absurd amounts for what is effectively, third class football.
4) Smaller clubs are forced to compete and overspend their small budgets.
5) The Premier League was created without any concern for other clubs in the League.
A boycott from me? - Yes, indeed.

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