Sunday, April 22, 2012

UKIP And Image.

UKIP - the party of  'little Englanders, xenophobes and crackpots.' We know this to be the equivalent of Gospel Truth as The Guardian and The Independent and The Mirror all say it - ergo, it must be so.
As a tory rag, the Daily Telegraph subtly hints that rooting out such members is 'an ongoing UKIP problem'.
The Beeb has a much better way of dealing with the 'UKIP threat' - it ignores them. It will only allow the barest minimum of coverage - a consequence not only of its very leftish bias but the strings of its EU-funding can be clearly be seen.
The generally leftist bias in radio and TV across  a variety of stations does not actually require EU funding to deliver a similar result.
It took a tory leader to call the party 'political gadflies', of course!
So what is the truth? What is UKIP really like? Does it contain members of the types described?
Well. Up to some five or six  years ago, you would have to admit that there was a small sprinkling of: those drummed out of other parties; self-seekers; opportunists; people wanting to be 'big fish in little puddles'; single issue fanatics; manipulators and even the occasional infiltrator from groups as varied as MI5 and the BNP.
As the party became established, these people shrivelled on the vine or were rooted out.
Currently, UKIP is far more 'normal' than the: Lib Dems, BNP, Labour and Greens if only because the party is genuinely in tune with majority opinion. As for the tories - I hardly know what they are any more!
I have attended UKIP national conferences and have been incredibly impressed by the calibre of people there.
If I look at my local branch - I could not deny that there might be the occasional dash of eccentricity - but it is a true positive! (Naturally, I do not entirely exclude myself from that description!')
So. What is UKIP? Perhaps a letter I recently sent to the local press may give a hint or two:
The Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan has mischievously suggested a joining together of the allegedly eurosceptic Conservatives and UKIP. I think I am not speaking out of turn when I say that many - probably most - UKIP members would promptly resign if this absurdity were ever to occur. We are part of UKIP because we entirely reject what the failed LibLabCons stand for, Mr Hannan, and FYI, nor are we prepared to embrace the opposite extremes of Greens and BNP. Naturally, I am fully aware that the BNP is at present in a mighty freefall which looks to be heading towards total extinction. (If only a few more of the current parties were to go the same way!)
Three countrywide polls this month have put UKIP ahead of The Lib Dems! The tide is turning.
In Sheffield the party is contesting every seat. On May 3rd, for the first time ever, every voting Sheffielder will have the opportunity to support the real alternative.
Our policies both locally and nationally are so in tune with public thinking that our deeply concerned enemies are calling us 'populist'. To me, as a true democrat, that is indeed a badge of honour.

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