Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Uncivilised Society.

'A woman thief who preyed on the elderly was finally locked up yesterday – after amassing 207 convictions.
Despite her extraordinary criminal record, Caroline Pattinson, 34, had been spared prison on countless occasions. WHY???
But after targeting a 72-year-old grandmother in her home the heroin addict was at last sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail.
Pattinson, however, laughed it off. As she was led away from the dock she turned to the court and shouted: 'Cushty, easily done.'
Our claims to be 'civilised' hold no water. Any society which does not deal properly with such as this vile sub human has no interest either in its citizens or in basic justice.
In a proper system she would serve a minimum of twelve years behind bars. (In the madness of today that would probably require a 30 year sentence!)
She will be out in a matter of months! I have often noticed too the inbuilt sexism where the female of the species infrequently receives a sentence equivalent to what a similar male would get!
 Read more:


  Thu, 19 Sept at 15:59 Hi. Some of you will remember Kevin. His home was in Chiapas State, Mexico. But in spring 2018, Kevin González Moral...