Monday, August 31, 2015

Van The Man Is 70 Today

Happy Birthday.

Envy Is Contraindicated.

Cameron's EU Scam Explained.

Oldest Text Of Koran May PRE-Date The Current Version And All That That Implies.

While Keith Small, from the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library added: 'This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran's genesis, like that Mohammed and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Mohammed receiving a revelation from heaven.
Read more: 


Chilcot Must Go!

SIX years and his report is STILL not published!

More From Malachi.

OUR Money Funds EU Propaganda!

EU bureaucrats slammed for splashing £10million of taxpayers' money subsidising TV shows which support its own existence 

British taxpayers are thought to have contributed more than £1 million last year to the scheme, which subsidised the much criticised The Great European Disaster Movie, pictured. Mail.

Our Undemocratic Enemies.

Chancellor George Osborne 'tried to talk David Cameron out of EU referendum over fears it would upset business leaders'

Senior Tory sources revealed the Chancellor had repeatedly warned against the move in the run-up to the Prime Minister's referendum pledge in 2013. Mail.

Any Labour Voter Who Support This Loony Is Guilty By Association.

Labour leadership favourite Jeremy Corbyn said the assassination of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden was a 'tragedy'. Mail.

I'd Love To Know The History Behind This!

Silly Rhetoric - But It Can Still Resonate With The Less Intelligent.

"People on low pay are now being targeted by the present government." Hajeera Blag. Now, I am no lover of this Tory government but to suggest that 'the wicked Tories are only interested in down-treading poor people' is simply ridiculous - an ancient and vindictive stereotype. Let us hammer them for all the nonsensical things they do which are actually true.

Eyes of Faith.

Jonathan Bashes The Upper Chamber!

The UN? - Talk of Desperation.

Urge UN to stop slaughter of Christians.
The UN Security Council meets next month in New York to decide on an action plan that aims to stop the slaughter of Christians in Libya, Iraq and Syria. Please sign this petition, which urges the Security Council to approve the plan. The UN Secretary General and many members of the Council have condemned the persecution but now concrete action is needed. There is very little time before the meeting, so please sign the petition as soon as you can. Christian Concern.

Ghost Lineages In Bird Evolution.

Our God Is With Us - Jehovah Shammah.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

America's 'Clean Power Plan' Is A Lame Duck.

"The Clean Power Plan's Dirty Secret": The estimated climate effect of implementing the CPP, even according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) itself, is 0.018˚ C (that's 32 thousandths of a degree F) reduction in global warming by the end of this century.
The cost? According to the economic forecasting firm NERA, between $41 billion and $73 billion per year, and, according to the Heritage Foundation's economic analysis, an "average annual employment shortfall of nearly 300,000 jobs."
It also doesn't mention that compliance with the CPP will force energy prices, especially for electricity, higher, hitting poor and low-income Americans hardest.
Read more at change radicals are dangerous people.

Nigerian Tragedy.


Please pray for our Christian family in Nigeria’s Middle Belt where Fulani militants ambushed and killed two brothers at the weekend.
Ushahemba and Sughter Kumashenge were killed on their farm near Kortse village in the Gassol area of Taraba state on Saturday.
Their deaths have fuelled concerns that Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt – Kaduna, Taraba, Benue and Nasarawa states – are increasingly a target for Fulani militants. It appears that some militants are working with jihadists with the specific aim of driving out Christians.
Release Int.

Trade Unions Today.

When today's trade unions start to campaign against unfettered immigration which is damaging opportunities for so many of the British unemployed, then - and only then - shall I believe that they have the best interests of the working class at heart!


'Here's my beef with gay marriage.'

'Here's my beef with gay marriage.'
Brendan O'Neill, editor of Spiked Online, explains in a guest post why he is opposed to same-sex 'marriage', in light of recent debates in Australia. He argues that, where same-sex 'marriage' has been introduced, it has been used by the state to control "what can be thought and said about human relationships". He comments further that, unlike the historical campaign against slavery, "there’s no disguising the illiberalism, elitism and plain weirdness of the gay-marriage contagion."  Christian Concern.

Leaderless Policing.

As we move down the line of ongoing cost cutting,
 I am hearing more and more excuses as to why the
 quality of our policing is diminishing.   Many forces
 blame reductions in budgets as the sole reason. This,
 of course, was compounded recently by the news
 articles about the police only going out to burglaries
 at properties with even numbers due to shortage of
 officers available to respond.
We all realise that budgets are being cut, but that is

 a very convenient reason to blame for a gross reduction
 in service to the public.  We still pay our council tax and
 our other taxes and therefore should have a consistent
 and efficient service in return for our contributions. 
When we enter into a contract we expect it to be fulfilled.  
I do not think the reductions are the total reason for the 
fall off, but merely an easy excuse.
So why do we get a reduced and disintegrating service?  

I believe poor management of the police service, coupled 
with the atrocious lack of leadership that pervades the 
 service, is in large part to blame.  We have a police force 
that has a two tier system of command and control.  At the 
bottom we have the front line police officers who are out 
catching the criminals and doing the real work of policing.   
Above them, we have the senior officers who are more like 
politicians.  These senior officers are charged with the 
management and major decisions relating to the operation 
of the police force but have, it seems to me, no aim other than 
 politicking themselves to the top jobs and increased salaries 
commiserate with that promotion.
Part of what is ailing our police is a severe lack of leadership 

at all levels.  It may surprise many, but at no stage throughout 
the promotion of officers is any leadership training given or any 
demonstration of it assessed as a required trait in promotional 
requirements, something that needs to be addressed.  Leadership 
is the building block on which an organisation operates, especially 
a uniformed service that has to maintain standards and ethics.  
The military, in which we rightly take great pride, has a structure 
from the lowest ranks to the highest of leadership training and 
 assessment which is demanded for promotion.  Leadership comes 
from the top and should be the example that all in the force should 
aspire to.  Sadly in recent times many of the senior officers have 
been found lacking all too often.   They are the very people being 
exposed for crimes and misdemeanours resulting in destruction of 
morale and standing within the community in which they serve.
We have many hard working dedicated police officers who are 

 demoralised and frustrated, not only by the budget cuts, but by 
the lack of vision and leadership from those in charge.  I also include 
the police commissioners in that tally of senior personnel.  What have 
our expensive Police and Crime Commisioners done to raise morale 
and standards? The answer quite simply is nothing. The PCC for 
Cleveland is more like the invisible man and others have not equated 
themselves very well since they were elected, at great expense to us all.
 In fact they have presided over a decline in standards across the whole 
of the region.
What we need is leadership being demonstrated at all levels and pride 

and purpose being instilled in our officers.  We, of course, need to design 
and deliver this training, which once integrated would not be a large cost 
to the overall training bill.  The result would be a more focused and 
directed force all working for you and me and the protection of 
our community.

Remembering The Resurrection Is Not Just For Easter.

Nigel Farage - The Sage At Gateshead.

Popularity Of This Blog Is On The Increase.

August is usually the poorest month for visits to this Blog. August 2015, however, has resulted in the second highest number of 'hits' since the Blog began in 2006.

Link This To The 'Sheep & Goats' Of Matthew 25.

Corbyn Win Might Help UKIP.

Jonathan Arnott UKIP North East MEP
Jonathan Arnott UKIP North East MEP
Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing leadership could give the North East its first UKIP MP in five years’ time, it has been claimed.
Jonathan Arnott, Ukip Euro MP for the region, said that, should Labour’s frontrunner to be crowned leader succeed, his agenda could “polarise opinion” in places like Hartlepool, where Nigel Farage’s party narrowly missed out on winning in May.
Jeremy Corbyn is seeking to win the support of voters in the North by launching a new Labour group devoted to pushing regeneration projects in the party’s traditional heartlands, where Ukip picked up many votes in May.
His campaign has already garnered plenty of support in the region, with a recent visit attracting huge crowds in Newcastle and Middlesbrough.
Danny Lawson/PA WireLabour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn
Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn
And now, Mr Corbyn has said the Chancellor’s Northern Powerhouse drive is “little more than southern hot air” as he says his Northern Futures programme, backed by Easington MP Grahame Morris, will work to rebalance the economy.
Mr Corbyn said the North must be treated on a par with the South, adding: “For too long talk of northern regeneration has been little more than southern hot air.
“I am delighted that our astonishing campaign this summer has given birth to Northern Futures, an organisation which will put forward policy ideas to rebalance the economy more fairly in favour of the North.
“It’s a great example of the pattern of democratic process of consultation we will pursue if we win the leadership race.”
It comes as Andy Burnham spends the bank holiday touring North cities in a bid to win back UKIP voters.
The Shadow Health Secretary has cast himself as the candidate for the North and admits the party was guilty of “avoiding” difficult issues such as immigration, which allowed UKIP to take the advantage.
But Mr Arnott said a win for My Corbyn was not necessarily bad for Nigel Farage’s party.
Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
He said: “Jeremy Corbyn is a maverick, shooting from the lip with policy suggestions that haven’t been properly considered.
“Some are good, some are bad - but no-one’s going to take him seriously as a potential Prime Minister.
“At least the Islington MP has seen through Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse mirage, and recognises the poor deal the North East has.
“Andy Burnham has also been caught in U-turn after U-turn; no-one knows what he really stands for.
“As immigration has become a key issue, he’s admitting the impact of Labour’s mass immigration on poorer communities, but lacks proposals to bring it under control.
“In seats like Hartlepool, with Ukip just 3,000 votes short of winning in May, Corbyn will polarise opinion - this could play into our hands.”
Extra EU funds for areas that face most pressure from new arrivals will be among Mr Corbyn’s proposed responses to a report commissioned from MP Dan Jarvis about the failure to take on Ukip.
In his report, Mr Jarvis said Labour had been “in denial for too long” about the threat of Ukip and was “in danger of becoming irrelevant” after falling to third place in some constituencies.
The party was “yet to develop an effective counter attack” to the eurosceptic advance which saw it shed crucial support across a swathe of seats in its traditional northern heartlands.
On immigration, Mr Burnham said: “For too long, Labour campaigners have been avoiding people’s eyes when this subject comes up on the doorstep.
“We need to respond to people’s legitimate concerns about the challenges that EU migration creates in some of our poorest communities.” The Chronicle.

EU Attempt To Further Undermine The Family.

On 8 Sept, 2015 the EU Parliament will vote on a new report entitled, "Empowering Girls through Education in the EU". This report was written by Liliana Rodrigues, who is a Socialist Party MEP from Portugal – and, therefore the report is known as the "Rodrigues Report”.
As intrusive as it sounds, this report wants to impose gender ideology on all schools in the European Union.
Very fundamentally, this report is an affront to the human dignity of every child and to the natural family.
That's why our friends on the Europe for Family team have a new, urgent petition, asking MEPs to REJECT this awful (biased and over-reaching!) report.
Please sign this petition now, and tell Europe's MEPs to allow parents to make fundamental decisions about their children's education:
Specifically, this report calls on Member States to teach gender ideology in all the EU Schools, by replacing old school-books with new books written with a gender ideology bias.
In this way, the Rodrigues Report is trying to demolish and tear down the absolute right of parents to be the primary and principal educators of their children.
And, crucially, the report also violates the EU's own Principle of Subsidiarity, as defined by the Lisbon Treaty, art. 5, such that "Education" is not a competence of the EU.
Please sign this petition and help defend every country's right to make their own policies in relation to the education of their children:
As you know, the EU Parliament are becoming more and more brazen with each passing year. With issues like this, it is clear that they need to be told in no uncertain terms: Stop interfering with our kids and stop interfering with our laws!
In fact, what they ought to be told (again and again) is: Obey your own rules!
Please sign here:
Thank you for defending Life, Family and Freedom!
Yours faithfully,
Scott Schittl and the whole team at CitizenGO

PS - Please click onto the petition page for more information about the report, as well as other links having to do with parents' rights to educate their children.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Alan Jones of UNITE Supports The EU.

Having got hold of a summer edition of UNITE WORKS magazine, I have devoured it with great interest.
The subtitle of Mr Jones' article is. "Why leaving the EU could be bad news for UK jobs."
Seldom have I encountered a sillier - but nonetheless, such a dangerous, piece of calculated tripe.
1) He mentions the support of business for the EU but fails to mention that these are principally the multinational conglomerates represented by the CBI which, incidentally, the left usually despises. Smaller businesses are weighed down by the burden of over-regulation which they cannot afford but larger rivals can. They actually welcome it as it helps destroy competition.
2) It implies, without any evidence, that contracts and trade will be lost.
3) It makes no mention of how rampant immigration is hitting the workforce. (I would lay good odds that he is one who would use the phrase, "Immigrants do the jobs British people will not do," - undoubtedly ignoring the inherent racism in that thinking and pretending that the refusal of people to work should go unpunished in financial terms.)
4) A union convenor who is quoted strongly suggests that firms such as Airbus will lose trade links. This, of course, ignores the fact that WE ARE IN A MAJOR TRADE DEFICIT WITH THE EU thus guaranteeing that we have them by the short hairs!
5) At least, Mr Jones only speaks of 'hundreds of thousands of job losses' rather than follow the absurd 3 million claim of the europhile Liberal Democrats. Both are wrong. The main job losses for the UK will be amongst our MEPs and their staff.
6) The nonsensical claim that major nations will be unlikely to trade with the UK if not in the EU is a risible and transparent piece of purest mendacity which is too stupid for me to even bother to refute.
7) 'A 9.5% fall in GDP'. An horrendous LIE!
8) 'Employees have benefited from EU employment regulation.' (Well Jonathan Arnott MEP dealt with that piece of dishonesty in a recent piece on this very Blog and in the Huffington Post.) Even if true - what would it have to do with the price  of fish? - But no, don't get me started on the iniquitous CFP!
9) 'Uncertainty' is promised. Well, there is a darn sight more uncertainty within the economically failing EU than outside it as its percentage of world trade drops annually and has been doing so for decades.

What a wretchedly distorted article this was. Vague opinions taking the place of facts - but with that nastiest of all diseases, europhilia, it was ever thus!

Ashes? - Yes, But Are England Actually Any Good?

They Should Be Ashamed!

Catholics Support Gay Marriage as Much as General Population and Believe Pope Francis Has Backed It, PRRI Study Finds.

Vote "OUT!"

John Sheen, Moor Park Lane, Dewsbury.

THE EU referendum will be the most important vote you will make in your life and it will shape your family’s wellbeing for the future. This valuable opportunity to make the voice of the British people heard across Europe should not be missed.        What started as a “good idea” for improving trade links 42 years ago, as the “Common Market”, has become the most despised European nightmare of modern times. Successive governments have betrayed the British people by stealth, signing away our sovereignty and erasing our identity without batting an eyelid, without any consultation or discussion with the electorate about its enormous impact.Our forefathers, many of whom died protecting our freedoms and democracy, would turn in their graves. Don’t believe the lies and propaganda that the “big guns” will use, “Jobs will be lost” or “We will lose trade if we leave”. These are the words of desperate politicians hellbent on maintaining their six-figure salaries, not forgetting mindblowing expenses. Just bear in mind the last 42 years of total subservience to Brussels.
Norway, Switzerland and, indeed, China, already do more business with Europe than we do without having the £66m per day financial albatross around their necks.
Britain is the second-largest contributor to the EU budget and that’s why many of the member states are enjoying this unprecedented newfound wealth, much of it from the UK taxpayer.
Brussels, while hitting us with a multitude of EU directives, continue to allow a “back door” immigration system where migrants, shamefully and with impunity, run riot in Calais or Dunkirk disregarding the EU rule of claiming asylum in the first country they reach. Again, down to EU incompetence. They then attempt to make their way to Britain.
We are also seeing thousands of displaced “boat” people landed in Italy or Greece with unknown backgrounds. Once given documentation, they can travel anywhere in Europe, including the UK. This practice is not only undermining the “legal” application process but it is highly dangerous.
My greatest concern for our future, if our people decide to remain within the EU, is what 
the politicians don’t tell us, an ever-expanding EU. Unless you want to see a continuation of 
this abject insanity, and its impact on key public services like schools and the NHS, you must vote No in the forthcoming EU referendum. We want our sovereignty back. Yorks Post.

Juncker Is Barking Mad.

Commission president Juncker has said he’ll back EU visa-free travel for Ukrainians by the end of the year, despite the political climate on migration.

The Duke.

Coffee And Diabetes.

Malachi: "God Hates Divorce."


100% true. But never let us forget that those within a marriage who foment adultery by their negative attitudes to sex within that union are equally culpable. In 1 Corinthians and Mark 10, to name but two places in Scripture, it is clear that the sexual act is the principal basis of marriage. When that goes awry ...

Net Migration.

Net migration figures make mockery of Cameron’s empty promises.

The latest all time high net migration figures make a complete mockery of David Cameron’s empty promises to bring immigration down, said local UKIP MEP Jonathan Arnott.
“These figures released by the Office for National Statistics show a borderless Britain and demonstrate the impotence of our government in the face of this constant tide of migration.
“As well as the abject failure to secure our borders from illegal immigrants who pour in every day, we are powerless to limit those legitimately coming from EU states while we remain tied to the EU.
“We now host eight million people born outside of the UK – 12.5% of the UK population and rising.
“Our public services cope with more than a million illegal migrants who have disappeared into the black economy. We have to provide schools and healthcare for hundreds of thousands of children of migrants born here and we are now the third most densely populated country in the EU after Malta and Belgium,” said Mr Arnott, UKIP’s EU budget spokesman.
“Unless the Prime Minister successfully renegotiates the principle of free movement the only way answer to this increasing problem is to leave the EU as soon as possible.
“Immigration is now the biggest issue concerning the British public and our traditional sympathies for refugees fleeing war torn countries are being blunted by ‘migration fatigue’.
“If EU rules didn’t mean we have to take millions of economic migrants we would be in a better position to offer more places to refugees from war torn regions. In my view this means that EU migration rules are making Britain a less generous country. That is something which we must reverse.”
Figures released by the ONS today show net migration to the UK reached 330,000 in the year to March.

My Soul.

Friday, August 28, 2015


What on EARTH was the lame thinking which decided to close down this excellent and greatly needed organisation?

From Prof. Congdon. 'Another'?????????????

Dear fellow members of UKIP (and others concerned about the UK's relationship with the EU), 
For the first time in my life I was contacted some days ago by a political opinion pollster. I was asked whether, in the event of a general election, I would vote for the Conservatives, Labour the LibDems or another party. I told the idiot at the other end of the line that I voted for UKIP and slammed the phone down.
One has to wonder how some of these organizations will try to fiddle the polling ahead of the EU referendum which seems certain to be held between September 2016 and the end of 2017. (Cameron says the timing depends on the renegotiation process, but no commentators expect that process to be over much before mid-2016, while the EU Referendum Act says that the vote must be held before end-2017.)

A Conclusion Which Flies In The Face Of The Facts.

'Despite popular misconceptions, concerns about the impact of immigration on jobs and wages are not borne out by the evidence. Numerous academic studies have found essentially no association between immigration and employment rates or wage depreciation for native born workers. Migrant workers are also proportionately more entrepreneurial than native born people.' Huff Post.

Honest Frank.

Labour MP Frank Field has courage to say it. How many Labour leadership contenders will follow suit? Any guesses?

Appalling Abuse Of Upper House.

MP who was exposed in expenses scandal for claiming to clean his moat named among new Lords. (So expenses cheat makes it to being a Lord but NO UKIP peers, huh?)

Revere The Lord's Name.

A More Thorough Investigation Is Needed: Raw Data Is Not Enough.

Disability campaigners are calling for an investigation after "disturbing" figures revealed 2,380 died within two weeks of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claims being stopped, between December 2011 and February 2014.
The Government insisted there is no link between the deaths and a reduction in benefits payments, but charity Mencap said the numbers appeared unusually high for people of working age who had so recently been declared healthy.
Rob Holland, of the charity, described the figures as "tragic" and said the high mortality rate warranted further investigation. Express.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...