Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Obama Was A Mistake.

We saw the figures when Obama was elected. White democrat voters voted for him. A staggeringly high majority of black voters also supported him at the ballot box. This rather suggests that racism is more endemic in the black population than in the white.
If this occurs, to some extent, because black people are natural democrat voters - that would be okay but the figures just do not add up when compared to previous elections. How come the many black believers have wantonly cast their votes for this apostate; this underminer of Christianity; this supporter of killing babes in the womb; this man who kowtows to dangerous Islamic regimes? - It makes NO sense whatsoever...

Prioritising Our Own Citizens Is A GOOD Thing!

Being in the EU means we cannot

 prioritise British citizens.

Posted on August 11
10962187_10152998763366140_388491009_n.jpgDespite election promises to crack down on migrant benefits, the Government is having to admit it can only do so by applying the same rules to UK citizens.
Suzanne Evans, UKIP's Deputy Chairman said, "If this is the focus of Mr Cameron's negotiation strategy it appears that the white flag is being run up, before his ship has left the port. It is a simple fact of our membership of the EU that we cannot prioritise our own citizens in the benefit system."
"UKIP pointed this out when the Prime Minister made these promises in November. Anybody with a cursory understanding of EU law would know that. It rather asks questions about the honesty of the Government's election strategy", she said.

How Can UKIP Possibly Be Right Wing?

1) UKIP is committed to democracy in its purest form.
2) UKIP is only patriotic - never nationalistic.
3) UKIP possesses no imperialistic agenda.
4) UKIP is not centralist.
5) UKIP believes in benefits for the most needy.
6) UKIP is not anti-trade unions.
7) UKIP supports individual freedoms.
8) UKIP immigration policy is based on fairness to all.
9) UKIP opposes the tyranny of the EU.
10) UKIP believes that government should be to represent the electorate - not to tell the electorate what it should want.

This, of course, makes UKIP populist - an extremely unpopular concept with the current, liberal, political elite.

Wage Compression.

When said uncontrolled mass immigration causes wage compression, the Left jeered. Is it okay now when deputy governor of BoE says it?

What 'In Vote' Means.

Farage: "If people vote for this Union, we won't get the status quo but an integrationist project".

Logic As I LIKE It!

Refugees? - Or Is It FORMER Refugees?

I think that it fair to say that any genuine refugee who decides to cross a variety of countries for 'an even better deal than merely being safe' should be considered to be on the same level as any illegal migrant.

Picking On One Creature For What Is Innate.

I Possess Mixed Feelings.

Judge's mercy for 'a parent under enormous pressure' as he jails mother-of-five who stabbed her paedophile neighbour to death for just three-and-a-half years.

Someone's Random Guesswork And Arrogance Will Have Brought Him A VERY Big Shock!

He Who Pays The Piper ...

Of the 59 Labour MPs who spoke in a Commons debate on the subject this month, no fewer than 48 have been funded by the unions - to the tune of £752,640 between them, writes ANDREW PIERCE.

Give Him The Glory!

UKIP - Hello - They Were Right All Along!

Burnham set to open up major split at top of Labour by admitting mass immigration has hit wages and that the party is 'out of touch' with the public. Mail.


An affair with a married man can really help a career girl, says Prue Leith - who says her own success is down to doing just that.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Victoria Plums.

Whatever has happened to them? I have looked in 4 different supermarkets this autumn and not one have I spotted. All there seems to be are those black, sour, hard, bitter monstrosities such as Angelex et al. Why no traditional British plums? (If I had to guess, the EU is at the bottom of all this with their fruit tree, regulatory tyranny.)

Labour - Economically Illiterate.

YouGov Poll On Brexit.

YouGov poll shows that Britain would vote to leave the EU (41%-38%) if referendum were held tomorrow. The tide is turning!

Christians Not Helped By Obama.

President Barack Obama delivers a statement with Vice President
 Joe Biden at his side about the nuclear deal reached between Iran
 and six major world powers during an early morning address to
 the nation from the East Room of the White House in Washington,
 July 14, 2015.
As the plight of Christians across the Middle East worsens, a Jerusalem archbishop has condemned the entire political world for its silence and lack of action on the issue. Former White House Chief of Staff John Sununu has meanwhile pointed the finger at President Barack Obama, accusing the latter of "indifference" in the face of the suffering Christian communities.
Archbishop Maroun Lahham, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem's vicar for Jordan, said in an interview that "the international community is absolutely inert, absent, or rather a silent accomplice" in the persecution of Christians, Catholic World News reported.
"The international Christian community, however, has never ceased to send aid to meet the needs of the brothers of the Church," Lahham added. "The political world is absolutely to be condemned, but the world of Caritas helps us, especially the Italian Episcopal Conference."
The comments come in light of reports of tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians facing dire circumstances as refugees, hunted back home by terror group IS, but with little prospects of sustaining a livelihood in Jordan and other neighboring countries.
The U.S. and its international allies have been bombing terror targets across Iraq and Syria in an effort to halt the expansion of IS, though the operation has only seen limited success. Relief groups have also been providing aid to the refugees, but the demand far exceeds the supply.
Sununu, who served as chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration, said on Sunday on AM 970 in New York that congressmen and senators need to "talk some sense into the president."
Read more at:

EU PAYS Jobless Migrants To Come To The UK!

EU PAYS Jobless Migrants To Come To The UK. 

Research by UKIP has discovered that a jobs scheme which is supposed to help young people from across the EU get work has 

helped only 25 British people secure work.
The controversial EURES scheme, which the UK government has tried to secure opt outs on, offers grants and reimbursements for people between 18 and 35 to get jobs or trainee schemes in other countries.
The findings have been described as "more proof that EU 
membership is not in Britain's best interests" by the UKIP's 
Employment Spokeswoman Jane Collins MEP.

Surprise, Surprise!

German FRAPORT wins bid for Greece’s 14 top regional airportsPosted by  in Economy

Who would have though! A German company, airport operator FRAPORT won the bid to operate and maintain 14 regional airports, considered to be top of the top in Greece.  Keep Talking Greece.

Published Letter.

Why are the hordes at Calais now being referred to as 'migrants' when they are actually would-be 'illegal immigrants.' Nor are they 'refugees' as these would stay in the first safe nation after escape. Let us not forget that the ultra liberal David Blunkett once stated that 90% of refugees were bogus!

Pakistani Mob Attempts To Kill Christians.

Pakistani Mob Sets Christian Family's Home on Fire to Burn Them Alive

A mob of radicals in the capital city of Pakistan torched the home of a Christian family and attempted to burn them alive by locking them inside before setting it on fire, a Christian aid group is reporting. Christian Post.

Schulz And Democracy Are Not Words For The Same Sentence!

Even Satan ...

Restrictions of EU Membership.

We are extremely limited in which nations we may trade freely with and in which commodities. Quit the EU - remove those restrictions.

Forgiveness At UKIP Conference.

are a forgiving lot; even applauded the Electoral Commission for doing their job over the referendum question.

Help The Pre-Born.


The Clarkson Academy aims to train up effective ambassadors for society's most vulnerable - pre-born children.

Venue: Emmanuel Centre, Marsham St, London, Westminster SW1P 3DW.

Fri 2 - Sat 3 Oct: London.

Faked - Dog On The Right Does Not Have A Licence!

Look North Clip - Nigel & Jonathan.

Pray The Prayer - Daily!

My Sympathies Go With The Democratic Views Of The People.

Pro-independence parties won a majority of seats in the Catalan parliament in Sunday’s election, giving them a mandate to try to break away from Madrid.

Nigel & Jonathan - Only A Fortnight Until Gateshead Event.

Merneptah Stele.

Inscription mentions Israel. Sceptics have claimed that there is no evidence of Israel enslaved in Egypt. WRONG! Try this stele.

'Non-existent' city of Pi-Rameses built by Jewish slaves didn't exist.' Trouble is - it has been discovered!

A Small Wager.

Former insurance worker Marie Black, 34 (top), from Norwich, was told she would not be eligible for parole for at least 12 years after she orchestrated the abuse of five young children over six years. Black, her ex-husband hospital porter Jason Adams, 43, (bottom right) and former boyfriend coach driver Michael Rogers, 53, (bottom left) were found guilty of a string of abuse charges. Both Rogers and Adams were sentenced to 24 years and made subject to sexual harm prevention orders, as a judged described Black as 'utterly depraved'. Mail.
I do not know all the ins and outs of this trial but I might permit myself a small wager here that there has been an element of sexism in the sentencing. I do not complain about the 24 years for Rogers and Adams but I fail to see how the 'ochestrator' of this abuse can possibly escape with half the sentence of the others.
In sentencing in British courts, where there is a man committing crime with a youth - the former inevitably receives the harsher disposal. To me, there is far too much evidence today that for 'youth' you can substitute 'woman'.

Butter Is Bad For You - Again!

Now butter ISN'T better than marg: Advice U-turn after scientists find cutting saturated fat DOES slash the risk of heart disease

Experts at Harvard School of Public Health today cast doubt on the results of recent studies which promoted the return of butter and cream. Mail. Tra la La!

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Gift For Your Friends, Colleagues and Family
Regular readers - please help to double the circulation of this Blog by tipping off all the people you know who might appreciate its tone.

Corbyn And Assorted Leftists.

I have never understood how leftists can be so awfully wrong, for so long, across so many different issues. Surely, intelligent human beings can manage to be right 5 or 10% of the time - can't they? They are SO off-beam that I think that we may have to consider the possibility of demonic possession. Their logic-deficit is maybe inexplicable in any other way.

Boko Haram Oddity.

In a video posted online, Bulama Modu appears to admit “I don't know how to read the Quran" while being interrogated over his knowledge of Islam.
The man, who is understood to be a Boko Haram commander in Bulakuri, Nigeria, added: "And I don't know how to perform [Muslim] prayers either.”
He made the claims in footage seen by the news agency Anadolu. In a video posted online, Bulama Modu appears to admit “I don't know how to read the Quran" while being interrogated over his knowledge of Islam.
The man, who is understood to be a Boko Haram commander in Bulakuri, Nigeria, added: "And I don't know how to perform [Muslim] prayers either.”
He made the claims in footage seen by the news agency Anadolu. Express.

Ugandan Attack On Christian.

UGANDA – Christian student raped and beaten

A teenager from eastern Uganda whose parents had converted to Christianity was gang raped and beaten earlier this month. The 19-year-old college student was still receiving hospital treatment. Release International.

Politicians As 'Craft Beers' According To The Guardian.

Nigel Farage.

If you thought the Ukip leader was a more likely craft beer man, then think again. Craft beer requires time, preparation and a certain amount of thought: none of which are Nigel’s long suits. Any old bitter – as long as it’s English – will do just fine.

Every bit as unfair as you would expect from The Grauniad.

Typhoon Tyson - RIP.

Champion England Test cricketer Frank 'Typhoon' Tyson - the fastest bowler in the world in his day - dies at the age of 85 in a Gold Coast hospital. Mail.

Why We Should Be Beastly To The Germans.

“Love Europe, Leave the EU.”


101 Ways To Make A Lib Dem Less Useless.

Figures - Every Brit Should Know These Facts!

As the UK marches towards a referendum on its EU membership, the nation's statisticians have taken a closer look at the bloc's importance to trade.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released a bulletin on UK-EU trade, in the same month as trade figures show that British reliance on trade with the EU has fallen to an all-time low.
But what does this mean for the importance of our trade links with the EU?

1. The EU is the world's biggest economy, but its share of global GDP is falling

The EU was formed in 1993, and since then has become the world's largest individual economy, if you combine the GDP of its members.
It became bigger than the US in 2003.
But while the EU may occupy the top spot, its share of the global economy has been declining. In the two decades after its formation, its share of global GDP has dropped from 30pc to 24pc in 2013.
The ONS said: "This is because growth in non-EU economies has outpaced growth of EU economies, mainly driven by strong growth in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) economies."
And if you don't treat the EU as one economy, then the US is still bigger.

2. British dependency on EU trade is at a record low

The proportion of goods and services we're trading with the EU is falling.
The ONS said that exports from the UK to the EU grew on average by 3.6pc from 1999 to 2014, below the 6.5pc rise in exports to non-EU countries.
As a result, the proportion of UK exports destined for the EU has dropped from 54.8pc in 1999 to 44.6pc in 2014.
The latest monthly figures showed that in April goods exports to the EU fell to a record low. Just 45.1pc of the goods that the UK exported that month went to the EU, down from 52pc in the previous year.
Martin Beck, an economist at Oxford Economics, said: "The latest trade data showed a further decline in the EU's importance as a market for UK exports.
"The EU remains by far the UK's single most important export market," said Mr Beck. However, he added that "a consistent drop in the importance of the continental market should embolden David Cameron's hand in renegotiating the UK's membership".

3. The EU's importance as a trade destination is likely to keep declining

Elizabeth Martins, an economist at HSBC, warned that the jump in goods exports in April largely came from growth in non-EU markets. She said this was "a move which could be vulnerable to reversal in coming months".
But that doesn't mean that the long-term trend won't be a steady one. Less developed economies are catching up, and are sure to represent a larger share of UK trade in future.
Mr Beck said: "While exit from the EU continues to look an unlikely prospect, were it to happen, an ongoing shift in the destination of UK exports should at least make the cost in terms of lost overseas sales less onerous over time."
Trade figures showing high exports to the EU may also be inflated by the 'Rotterdam effect'.
This refers to the theory that exports to the Netherlands are high because they are shipped to Rotterdam, before continuing on around the world to a non-EU destination.
The ONS has addressed the Rotterdam effect in a separate bulletin, and said that "it is not possible to estimate, with any certainty, the impact that the Rotterdam effect has on UK trade with the Netherlands and its subsequent impact on UK trade with EU and non-EU countries".
It said: "The port of Rotterdam is not unique in acting as a ‘gateway’ for other countries; it is accurate to say that this form of trading can occur in almost any place. For example, goods arriving in France from China could, after clearing customs, be distributed to other EU member states and potentially be recorded as imports from France.
"The main difference is that the port of Rotterdam is one of the largest in the world and the sheer quantity and value of goods being traded separates the Rotterdam effect from other, similar, cases and therefore attracts more attention," it added. Peter Spence.

In Other Words - PAY ATTENTION To What Is Good!

A Society In Terminal Decline.

You needn't be Christian to be head of Church of England school: Shortage of teachers to fill roles mean primaries and secondaries are recruiting from other faiths

A new report has found schools are being forced to recruit 'from other faiths or none at all' because Church of England schools are struggling to find enough Christian headteachers. Mail.

The UK USED To Be A Free Country.
A 'British values' enforcer has said that voicing any opposition to same-sex 'marriage' could be against the law. Polly Harrow, who works at a college in Huddersfield as Head of Safeguarding and Prevent, made the comments on BBC Radio 4. She said that believing homosexuality to be wrong "is your business" but "if you speak it out loud you might be breaking the law." Her comments show how the government's counter-terrrorism strategy could penalise Christians. Christian Concern.

Blood Moon - I Saw It Last Night.

Scriptural Knowledge Concern.

Almost six out of ten people in England say they are Christian, according to a new poll of carried out by ComRes. But only two in five believe that Jesus was a real person, showing a high degree of Biblical illiteracy. And just nine per cent of those identifying as Christian pray regularly, read the Bible and attend church at least monthly. "People feel an affinity with Christianity but we must keep proclaiming Christ and the values that flow from Him," said Andrea Williams. Christian Concern.

Walrus Persuades Me That I Do Not Really Need To Lose Weight.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

BBC Bias.

The BBC Parliament Channel covered the UKIP Conference in its entirety - so, what have you possibly got to complain about?
Interestingly, after Nigel and Paul's contributions (which had to be included) there were three outstanding speeches not one of which made it into the two highlights programmes. Just how many people have the time to watch the whole conference? - Most will rely on those highlights. "Well, they are highlights - in a shortened version you cannot get everything in." Do I hear you say? - Fully understood - but they found the time for awards of certificates for various works and could even follow the section with conference motions being debated. (There really is NOTHING more tedious. I almost wish I could have seen the Lib Dem Conference to see if the editing was as bad with that unholy crew!) Seriously - this cannot have been accidental.

40 Days For Life.

40 Days for Life: Praying for abortion to end.

The 40 Days for Life autumn initiative to end abortion began this week. 40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that involves prayer and fasting, constant vigil outside abortion clinics and community outreach, over a 40 day period. 10,331 lives have been saved through the campaign since 2007. Find out where your nearest location is on the 40 Days for Life website so that you can take part, or start a campaign in your town if there isn't one already. Christian Concern.

Corbyn And The Violence-Supporting Leftists.

Obama's Double Standards.

Obama Accommodated a Muslim Terrorist but Shows Disdain for Christians During Pope's Visit BY MIKE HUCKABEE.
Why does Obama support other cultures and countries, yet scorns millions of believers in Christ at home? Why does Obama go to extremes to accommodate Muslim terrorists but shows nothing but disdain for Christians?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...