Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Obama Was A Mistake.

We saw the figures when Obama was elected. White democrat voters voted for him. A staggeringly high majority of black voters also supported him at the ballot box. This rather suggests that racism is more endemic in the black population than in the white.
If this occurs, to some extent, because black people are natural democrat voters - that would be okay but the figures just do not add up when compared to previous elections. How come the many black believers have wantonly cast their votes for this apostate; this underminer of Christianity; this supporter of killing babes in the womb; this man who kowtows to dangerous Islamic regimes? - It makes NO sense whatsoever...

The African Churches Are Putting Us To Shame.

Learning from the African Church's extraordinary success. Heather Tomlinson    21 April 2024 . (Photo: Getty/iStock) Why has faith in Af...