Thursday, August 15, 2024

It's Over For Scottish Independence Politicians.

Humiliation for SNP as latest new figures deliver final fatal blow to independence dreams.

The data highlights the "clear and undeniable benefit of the remaining part of the UK" in a huge blow to the SNP's independence hopes for the future.


John Swinney is the current First Minister of Scotland (Image: Getty)

Scotland's deficit has grown by nearly £5billion over the past year, according to new figures, bringing it to more than twice the size of that of the UK's - dealing one last crushing blow to the SNP and its allies.

The data highlights the "clear and undeniable benefit of the remaining part of the UK”, in a huge blow to the Nats' dreams of Scottish Independence, 10 years on from the "once in a lifetime" referendum back in 2014.

Including revenues from North Sea oil and gas, the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) report—compiled by the SNP Government—revealed a net fiscal deficit of £22.68bn for 2023-24, up from just over £18bn the previous year.As a percentage of GDP, Scotland's deficit rose from 8.4 percent to 10.4 percent, while the overall UK deficit decreased during the same period. Meanwhile, total revenue for the Scottish Government increased from £86.9bn to £88.5 billion.

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