Saturday, August 10, 2024

Labour Warning.

 Labour dislikes monarchy because it hates the whole idea of inheritance and the family it sustains. Everything should be based upon the state, not on such private, uncontrollable things. That's why it rejoices in death duties, using tax to stop parents handing on their savings to their children.

Inheritance is the foundation of the family, and the family is the foundation of private life and of Christian morality, a tiny Kingdom where we can be ourselves, pass on lore and tradition, and be left alone. Labour resents and seeks to undermine these private things. For it believes in the goodness of the state, and in its own right to interfere in every aspect of our lives to make us better. 
And it wants all the trappings of Kingship for itself. Mail. Peter Hitchens.

Growth Will Only Happen In The Unlikely Event That They Follow BIBLE TEACHING!

Church in Wales earmarks £10m for mission and growth. Staff writer    20 September 2024. St Mary's Church in Swansea. The Church in Wale...