Saturday, August 10, 2024

We Quit The EU.

 Admittedly, the Tories made a pretty poor fist of cashing in on a golden opportunity - we generally had to settle for relatively minor overall improvements.

We had our nation's sovereignty back though and they opted not to take all that much advantage of this. Sigh!
Nonetheless, the monies saved and the trade benefits were noteworthy - although there were huge amounts of bleating from the leftist press.

Do the Guardian and the BBC ever mention:
What trading bloc is the UK in?
In July, the UK signed up to the vast Indo-Pacific trade group, bolstering its combined GDP to £12 trillion in 2022 – a huge 15% of the global economy. Under the deal, over 99% of current UK goods exports to CPTPP countries will be eligible for zero tariffs, including Scotch whisky and cars.20 Mar 2024
Blogger: we needed to be outside the EU, of course, to join a worthy group which does not bully us and cost us a fortune in 'membership fees'.Emoji

Let's Hear It For Coffee - It Has Alternated With Scientists For Decades Between Being A Super Beverage and A Dangerous Brew. What Is It This Year, I Wonder?