Friday, September 27, 2024



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CSW in Seoul...

This month a small team from CSW travelled to Seoul, South Korea, to launch our new report on North Korea: ‘We cannot look away’.

We had the privilege of meeting North Koreans who have fled extreme oppression, as well as other organisations that are campaigning for justice. Our CEO Scot Bower reflected:

‘Most importantly, we met with escapees like my friend Jun – a young man who travelled secretly for 10 months before finally arriving in South Korea. Jun told me that he had never met a Christian until he arrived in China. Being a follower of Jesus in North Korea is unbelievably difficult and risky; if discovered, Christians are dealt with as if they were terrorists committing treason, execution by firing squad the most likely consequence. Churches are tiny and isolated, meeting in family homes, always in secret.’
Over the coming months we will continue to put the spotlight on North Korea and remind the world that we cannot look away.

Do you have questions about North Korea? Get them answered during the live Q&A at IDOP 2024 by submitting them here.

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