Monday, April 16, 2007

Crime and Fear.

When I was a child, I behaved myself in public. This was not because of a liberal upbringing, nor because of a vague sense of public duty. It had a great deal to do with a loving, secure, two parent family, the understood morality of the day as part of education and Sunday School teaching.
In spite of similar backgrounds I still knew some who went on to be criminals - happily these were few.
The underlying reason was however, that in my day, you were too scared to commit criminal offences.
The response awaiting me at home would have been a glimpse into hell; the loss of reputation in the community would have been terrible to behold and beyond that, we all knew that criminal damage and theft could well lead to Borstal or Approved School. This was not a nebulous and distant possibility but a firm and immediate reality. The cane was waiting for any serious bad behaviour in school.

Why can the assorted do-gooders not grasp this simple connection? Why are they so opposed to firm discipline. We are not talking of brutality but a form of chastisement which was understood and broadly accepted throughout society.

The liberal left then began to foist their experimenting onto an unwilling population and society has deteriorated over a period 40 years - but they are simply unable or unwilling to admit that they have been disastrously wrong.

Check out this Guardian link below to see the modern thinking in respect to drug use.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?