Sunday, April 15, 2007

Grammar schools.

"Bright pupils from poor homes achieve significantly higher grades at grammar schools than comprehensives, a study has found.
The benefits are equivalent to the average youngster turning eight Bs at GCSE into eight As.
And the effects were not just evident among the most disadvantaged.
All children in the top quarter of the ability range did better at grammars than comprehensives - boosting their results by four grades on average.
The study concluded that if social background were not a factor, a selective system would not disadvantage those who did not attend grammar schools.
Professor Paul Gregg, who led study, said: "If you could re-engineer the system so the affluent were not segregated into grammar schools and the poor into the remainder, the
grammar school system would be positive overall."
Well what a surprise! The left were wrong - AGAIN!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?