Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
MITK uncovers BT pettiness.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Worthy appeal from Open Doors.
Social decline seen via comics.

Cloned meat.

Looks seriously dodgy to me - all it needs a is a dose of 'multifaith' to put the cherry on the top!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
More Christians murdered in Pakistan.

Bickering europhiles cost taxpayers a fortune.

EU jackboot is not appreciated!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370961/European-Human-Rights-court-rulings-law-says-Englands-judge.html#ixzz1Hy35meqb
Will the madness never end?

In these straitened times .....

Monday, March 28, 2011
Luis Palau.
AV volte face?

This Blog ...
Crude petrol prices.

Disability Living Allowance.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Latest attacks.

There was a time when I used to read this sort of bilge, get angry and then proceed to destroy them with logic. More than once have I written treatises utterly destroying the basis of such piffle.
If you want to test the truth of Scripture - test first the Saviour. If you cannot find it in you to yield to Him - then it just doesn't really matter. You are lost anyway. BUT, if you do seek Him in the way the Scriptures describe and - lo and behold - you come to know Him and experience the absolute reality of Him in your life then such works as that of the good prof become a meaningless exercise.
(Incidentally, I note that this gentleman possesses a Hebrew name and origin. I trust that roots in Judaism have not led to any unwarranted biases in his works.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370206/Bart-D-Ehrman-Parts-Bibles-New-Testament-written-pretend-apostles.html#ixzz1HmNc169r
Hmm. Now what do we do?
Anarchist element was true to form.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Did mankind ever live in caves?

Here we go again! More wishful thinking from so-called scientists!

But a new analysis of the microscopic structures has returned a surprising result - that they are not biological material at all.
In a new study published in Nature Geoscience, the US scientists suggest they may in fact simply be a series of rock fractures filled with crystals'.
"Surprising?" - Not to me it ain't!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1370126/Earliest-known-life-earth-just-cracks-rock-controversial-new-study-finds.html#ixzz1HgiUWVEW
Health and Safety buffoons kill people!
Ephesians 2. Rejoice all those who know the Saviour!

Simplistic bias.

Constant incorrect references were made to 'the fascists' under Franco - when they were largely falangist a party separate from fascism at least in Spain, where it was the province of General Franco himself.
I lived in Franco's Spain and although it was disagreeable, I suspect that it would have been far worse had the motley crew of anarchists, marxists and socialists called 'Republicans' won.
I find the tearful paeans of praise for The International Brigades quite sickening. Most were not 'fighting for freedom' at all but were promoting extreme leftwing ideals. They wanted one extreme to replace another.
Franco took help from Hitler - the Republicans were bankrolled by Stalin.
To make one side 'devils' and the other 'angels' is risible.
Claims that the war was against a democratic government are only technically true inasmuch as the government had totally 'lost the plot' and the war was probably fomented by brutal attacks, murders and rapes by republicans against priests, nuns and monks as well as policies of property confiscation.
Atrocities were certainly committed by both sides - and arguably, more by the Republicans!
I have studied this conflict in some depth and even used to teach it as an 'A' Level Spanish topic.
I certainly had no love for Franco but balanced reporting in history is essential.
Friday, March 25, 2011
God bless her.

She was on a six-month course in Jerusalem studying ancient and modern Hebrew at the Hebrew University prior to returning to Togo to begin work on a translation of the Old Testament.'
The Guardian.
Oh dear. I was right, the RSPB was wrong!

Culling magpies is legal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, providing it is done humanely and for a specific purpose, for example to protect crops or conserve wild birds.
The most common method is to use a trap and then wring the bird's neck.
Nick Forde, a trustee of the SST, has said in the past: 'This is a difficult subject because talk of culling magpies or grey squirrels does not go down well with the public and that's why the government is ignoring this issue.”
He told the Daily Telegraph: 'I don't like the idea of harming animals but if they are destroying our biodiversity, then we have to take action.
“Unless the population of some predators is controlled, there is little, if any, hope that the small bird populations can recover.'
Mr Picton, who lives with partner Amanda Eeles, took the photograph in mid-morning from his bedroom window.
If you have a legal shotgun or even a powerful air weapon, please kill every magpie you possibly can. Saving our songbirds is impossible without this measure. Or - buy your own Larsen Trap.
Those areas which have seen the proliferation of magpies have had horrific falls in the numbers of songbirds.
The RSPB MUST get its head out of the sand before all areas succumb to this wretched menace!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1369614/The-picture-21-birds-tree-proves-magpie-population-control.html#ixzz1Hah255VS
Lemming logic in Yorkshire Post.

Don Burslam says (Yorkshire Post, March 18), that as 27 countries all chose to join the European Union, with more to follow, such numbers show this must be the correct decision.
The 100th lemming was heard to utter similar logic when, with all his mates, he jumped off the cliff.
Just who are the people filling our prisons?

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Pray for Nigeria.

There are warnings that growing violence in Nigeria is being instigated by extremists who want to stir up religious violence and create a state of emergency ahead of the Presidential elections. The Archbishop of Jos fears the city could be overrun and is calling for increased security.
A blast on Sunday killed two suspected bombers, but failed to catch the churchgoers for which it was probably intended. In other attacks in Jos three Christians were killed and six stabbed.
These are just the latest in a series of attacks which have claimed hundreds of lives over the past year. A partner of Release International, which serves persecuted Christians, believes the aim behind the attacks is to whip up sectarian violence ahead of the April elections.
The Stefanos Foundation points to a newspaper statement calling for jihad allegedly published by a Jos Muslim Elders Forum on December 30 2010 – days after the latest round of violence erupted.
It said: ‘Muslims in the State shall ensure that a few months before General Elections jihad will be declared in the State, which cannot be controlled even by security agencies, with great slaughter and massacre, which the Federal Government will have no option than to declare a State of Emergency in Plateau.’

No, no, no and no again!
Meddling costs young lives and horrendous injuries.
And how much good has actually been achieved - and that assumes that we were 'on the side of the angels' in the first place.
See below for all my in depth comments on the budget.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
ASDA shame!
Incredible. How come Christians weren't aware of such things?

Researchers found people who made a silent appeal were better able to cope with their anger, whether they were religious or not.
Co-author Brad Bushman of Ohio State University, said: 'People often turn to prayer when they're feeling negative emotions, including anger.
'We found that prayer really can help people cope with their anger, probably by helping them change how they view the events that angered them and helping them take it less personally.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1368839/Feeling-furious-Saying-little-prayer-calm-frayed-nerves-boost-mood.html#ixzz1HOsvLFaL
UK Government's Barnett Formula gives more special treatment to the Scots.

Little wonder they can afford free prescriptions, care for the elderly and university tuition fees.
And then there is the small matter of over-representation at Westminster as well as the West Lothian Question!
Fair, innit?
More on AV.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
We truly are 'rip-off Britain!'

The oil companies are giving drivers a hard time but this is only a fraction of what the government is doing where VAT is levied ON TOP OF existing fuel taxes.
The power companies are making us ensure that our houses must become colder.
The Bosman Ruling ensures that live football is becoming the province of 'the comfortably off'.
Air carriers are ripping us off with numerous add ons.
Successive governments are hitting us with so-called 'green taxes'.
Supermarkets have hammered us with uncalled for price rises over the last two years.
Insurance companies hold us to ransom.
The EU costs every family thousands annually.
Sky's prices rise periodically to ever more ridiculous levels.
Most ordinary people can no longer afford a visit to the pub.
Most are receiving minimal pay rises - or in my case - nothing for five and a half years.
This inflation is then cunningly concealed and the pretence is made of tiny inflationary increases.
The government and councils actually take (steal?) well over HALF of our earnings through various forms of taxation (AND waste vast amounts of this!)
Mole-In-The-Know has uncovered more scandal.

Christian groups are finding themselves banned from this same establishment.
Perhaps he would do well to look up Jesus's comments about millstones!
I suspect that this is the tip of a very big iceberg. Much prayer required!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Libyan Christians.
Where next with nuclear power?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Obituary, Yorkshire Post.

RODNEY George Leigh, who was a patient and gifted flying instructor and who taught the present generation of Royal Air Force pilots to fly, has died aged 67.
His kindness and patience were such that he would often be sent students who were struggling and he would get them through their course.
He was a dedicated and experienced pilot whose talent was flying training, and when he retired from the RAF as a flight lieutenant in 2002 he continued to instruct and pass on his knowledge to trainees by working in the flight simulator at RAF Linton on Ouse, near York.
He was born in Ripon where his father George was serving with the army, but the family moved to Newcastle where Rod, as he was always known, spent most of his childhood and was educated at Rutherford High School.
From an early age, he was interested in aviation. Against his father’s wishes, he chose direct entry to the Royal Air Force instead of going to university.
Following his flying training he flew Shackletons on 210 Squadron at Ballykelly in Northern Ireland, and 205 Squadron at RAF Changi, in Singapore, where he met his future wife Pat. Her father was also serving there in the RAF. They married in 1969 and returned to the UK later that year.
He then served at St Mawgan, in Cornwall, and after converting to Nimrods served on 203 Squadron at RAF Luqa in Malta.
His next posting was a ground tour which, as a dedicated pilot he did not enjoy, but he was then fortunate to be posted to Central Flying School where he became a qualified flying instructor and showed his talent for training young pilots.
His skill was such that he even taught a sparrow to fly.
It was there in 1998 that he also achieved 10,000 hours flying a Tucano and two years later was awarded a “Good Show” for his flying skill and judgment. On take off in a Tucano a bird went into the engine, but he managed to land safely.
In 2001, the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators awarded him their Master’s Commendation for his “outstanding and exceptionally long standing contribution to flying training in the Royal Air Force”.
At his funeral his coffin was carried by six pilots from RAF Linton on Ouse, and there was a fly past by a single Tucano from the base.
Flt Lt Leigh, who lived at Crayke, near Easingwold, is survived by his wife Pat, daughter Joanna, son Alex, and three grandchildren.
How to be terminally sad - Part 10.

Christians surely want ...

Rebecca Costa's overview of our political chaos. Fascinating!
The last British have gone - now the last American.

The Independent - obituaries.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
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