Friday, August 12, 2011

Geordie Finishing School For Girls - BBC 3.

If you missed BBc 3's Geordie Finishing School For Girls, then you have failed to see a clever exercise in leftist propaganda.
They took four 'posh' girls from the South and plonked them into the Byker & Walker Districts of Newcastle so that they could have a cleverly engineered and managed 'dose of reality'.
Shown the toughness of a life streets apart from their own - the southerners are intended to 'learn the realities' about: shortages, the dole, absence of work, single person families et al.
The subtlety of the propaganda lay in what was NOT said.
For example - the 'posh lasses' were amazed to hear that 'having an illegitimate child did not get you an instant council house - it might take a whole year'. The story ends at that point.
Why was the question not posed as to how long somebody would have to wait if they had no child? - For completeness and honesty - this was a prerequisite.
Why was it implied that a 'single mum' with two children was on minimal Jobseekers' Allowance + child benefits when her actual income will, in gross terms, have been the equivalent of a young professionals' salary for working full time?
Why were the young women who pronounced on 'rights & entitlements to have children whenever they felt like it' not challenged as to who would actually be footing the bill for this privilege?
How come the the youngish lady visited who had caused herself severe physical damage by using hard drugs was not portrayed in any way as being the authoress of her own problems? - And why no mention of the fact that she is now a permanent drain on the state for the rest of her life?
Apparently, the 'posh girls' were too dim to spot these issues!

The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...