The hand-wringing, sickening, leftist 'do-gooders' have had their day - sadly, it has lasted for over half a century.
We are now reaping what they - AND so-called liberal christians - have sown for several generations.
We are spiritually bankrupt.
We have lost the streets.
An emasculated police force is so bound in fears of being arrested or sued or sacked that they have largely stood by and watched as these disasters have unfolded in our cities. On the occasions they have acted, they have been subjected to constant attacks. Last figure I heard was 114 police injured. ONE is too many!
A justice system which is anything but, awaits these countless low lives.
This Blog has long warned against the feral underclasses and there is NO political will to deal with them.
Words are NOT enough! We must tackle these outbreaks root and branch.
1) Large numbers of temporary prisons should be opened - with no luxuries.
2) Very long sentences MUST be imposed.
3) Water cannon and tear gas must be readily available to police for IMMEDIATE use.
4) Mounted police baton charges if needed.
5) Baton rounds for the hard core and
6) A shoot-to-kill policy if anybody is seen with a petrol bomb - before, during or after!
7) I personally would help administer birchings to these scum if nobody else could be found. (I suspect that there might be lengthy queues!)
From their own mouths to the media they have revealed why they are acting as they are BECAUSE THEY CAN!
Tragically, our politicians are chiefs amongst the apologists for this vermin and will do nothing and play straight into the hands of the BNP!
UKIP are tough and really would do most of what is needed.
Would the French Police stand by as ours have done?
YES I KNOW. Jesus loves every toerag on the streets and I fervently want to see every one converted. This does not happen in a vacuum or in the midst of chaos.
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
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