Friday, August 19, 2011


According to Which - the best washing up liquid is NOT Fairy. For donkeys' years it may or may not have been the best but it has never been the best value under normal circumstances - and seldom when on offer.
So. Why is this worthy of mention? Aldi/Lidl/Netto have been an 'open secret' to many of us for years. Many people who care to try out own brands/ cheaper brands and less fashionable ones discover that there is money to be saved - and permanently. Some of these need to be rejected on grounds of quality - most do not!
So. What's the big deal? - Well, let's say that there are some sixty or seventy brands that you regularly buy. Let us assume that these savings average out to ten pounds a year - taking taxes and N. Insurance into account - this runs at more than a thousand pounds of earned income a year.
Take that sum, look at a working lifetime then 'do the math'. Having done this - consider by how many % this might have increased if invested on the way.
By following this principle - I own a house in Spain!
As for cars - my source tells me that in all but the marque - there is no essential difference between a Hyundai and a BMW! Who turns up a nose at Skodas? - They have the highest 'satisfaction factor' for buyers of any car.
Money comes in 'hard' - as Christians, we are not expected to be poor stewards. After all - the more money you waste - the less remains for supporting worthy causes!

The Habit Which Is Family Worship.