Saturday, August 13, 2011

So, So Wrong!

When a leftie friend of mine at university was told that I'd become a Christian, he stated: "Ah, yes. Jesus, the first communist."
Let us consider what Jesus did NOT do, shall we?
He did not:
Attack 'Roman imperialism'.
Start anti-Roman demonstrations.
Did not preach hatred.
Did not provoke envy.
Did not claim that morally bankrupt, political systems were a solution.
He did not advocate a 'belief in Man'.
He did not attack God - only the miserable religionists.
He did not lead campaigns with banners stating 'Stop crucifixions, NOW!'
He was not seen demanding an end to corporal punishment.
He did not want to see people killed who 'got in the way' of what He was promoting.
He did not suggest some sort bureaucratic militarism.
He did not tell His listeners to commit acts of violence 'for the cause'.
He did not suggest 'gulags'.
He did not demand an end to 'spirituality'.
He did not want to see the institution of political 'thought police'.
He never promoted 'social equality' as a goal in itself - (Not that communists believe in that in practice either!) The real issue being that we are all equal before God.
I could go on but I think Jesus would not have made a very good communist.

The Habit Which Is Family Worship.