Friday, April 06, 2012

Nadine Dorries - Nice One Lass. Time To Lead A Move To UKIP!

A Conservative MP has claimed that people no longer recognise the values of the Conservative Party.
Nadine Dorries MP, writing for Conservative Home, claimed that voters feel disenfranchised because the Conservative Party no longer reflects the values of ordinary voters and has become out of touch.
Addressing the Government’s controversial plan to introduce same-sex marriage by 2015, Ms Dorries wrote:
“A recent ComRes poll reported that 57% of Christians are ready to abandon the Conservative Party over the issue of gay marriage alone. Actually, 70% of the total population don’t want it either and yet, the Conservative Party felt this was a good policy to push in order to keep us in power. A policy completely out of step with the belief of the majority of the British public and many members of the gay community, but certainly one relentlessly pursued by the left-wing political gay lobby.
(How The Guardian, The Beeb & Independent hate her! She induces a state of near apoplexy.)

Let's Hear It For Coffee - It Has Alternated With Scientists For Decades Between Being A Super Beverage and A Dangerous Brew. What Is It This Year, I Wonder?