Friday, April 06, 2012

Who Will Fight For Christians - Coz Cameron Won't!

David Cameron’s promise of a fightback against the assault on Christianity was sabotaged yesterday by his own ministers who declared that Christians have no right to wear a cross at work.
The Home Office said that any Christian who does not like it should find another job.
The ministerial line on the right of a worker to display a token of faith was laid down in a  statement to European human rights judges. It gives the Government’s opinion in a key  test case.
The document, prepared under the supervision of Lib Dem Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone and approved by Home Secretary Theresa May, says Christians must be content to keep their religion for their own time.
Labour let Christians down throughout their reign. Clegg is an avowed atheist and Christianity gets short shrift from his party.
The Greens are extremely intolerant too.
So just where does the Christian voter go? - Do remember that foolish voting for The Christian Party in the North West let the BNP's Nick Griffin into the EU Parliament in the last elections!
There really is ONLY UKIP. It is not a Christian party but it is the only major party which never attacks Christian principles. Their membership contains a great many believers.
PS. Which party does Ms Featherstone belong to?Read more:

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