Saturday, May 26, 2012

YOU Can Help The Persecuted Church.

Release International.

Do Something Amazing To Help Persecuted Christians This Summer!
As the summer months approach, how would you like to undertake a sponsored activity to raise funds for persecuted Christians?
So far this year Release Supporter Belinda has undertaken a sponsored bed push, Gareth and 19 other supporters have run the Belfast marathon, Nick has completed a sponsored bike ride, and Phil has done a bungee jump! So whether you’d like to do a walk, a run, a bike ride, or a bungee jump, or something less active such as holding a coffee morning, cake sale, or quiz
night, there are lots of ways you can raise much-needed funds to show your love for your suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.

For more details of how we can resource and support your venture, please email Paul ( or contact our Supporter Relations Team on 01689 823491.

Dan The Man.

Daniel Hannan . 'Without a Tory-Reform pact, we’re sunk – but egos are almost certain to get in the way.' DT. Blogger: Hannan is wro...