Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Peanuts & Monkeys.
Paying peanuts may give you monkeys but huge salaries do not prevent the employment of monkeys. (Ta, Barrie.)
Brilliant! - Ignore God Right Up To The Point You Are Facing Disaster.
By Jeff Schapiro.
A new study from LifeWay Research reveals that more than half (57%) of Americans become more interested in God when a natural disaster occurs.
(Some might regard this as hypocrisy.)
Beppe Grillo.
Beppe Grillo, leader of Italy’s opposition Five
Star Movement, has said that “The euro should be rethought… we are considering
doing a year of campaigning to then call a referendum to say yes or no to the
euro and to say yes or no to [EU membership]”. OE.
Marxist/Socialist Scales Rarely Fall From The Eyes Of The Faithful.
Max Weber was the most prestigious academic social
scientist in the world until he died in 1920.
Schumpeter expressed happiness regarding the Russian Revolution. The USSR
would be a test case for socialism. Weber warned that this would cause untold
misery. Schumpeter replied: "That may well be, but it would be a good
laboratory." Weber responded: "A laboratory heaped with human corpses!"
Schumpeter retorted: "Every anatomy classroom is the same thing." (Felix Somary,
Raven of Zurich [New York: St. Martin's, 1986], p. 121.)
Anti-Semitism? - Most Anti-Semitism Today Comes From The LEFT.
Representatives of the Jewish state have been repeatedly dismayed by the lack
of response from the Foreign Office and other Government departments to
Israel’s requests for support to
combat campaigns that threaten its diplomats or seek to disrupt events involving
“You have to wonder at what point does inaction become anti-Semitism,” the
official told the Daily Telegraph. “If Israelis of an Argentinian background
threatened the British ambassor in Israel to the point that he could not make
speeches, we would be getting demands from the Foreign Office to step in. Yet
the government has done nothing to prevent the threats we face since it took
Fidel Castro began a revolt against the Batista
regime in Cuba in 1953.
His clarion call was 'democracy'. This revolt failed but in under 6 years Castro was the new, marxist dictator of the island.
Approaching 55 years after his success - the Cuban people are still wondering where this 'democracy' is going to be found.
His clarion call was 'democracy'. This revolt failed but in under 6 years Castro was the new, marxist dictator of the island.
Approaching 55 years after his success - the Cuban people are still wondering where this 'democracy' is going to be found.
Billie Sol Estes Has Died.
Few British people will recognise the name of this associate of LBJ who long claimed that the amoral, democratic vice-president plotted the death of JFK in order to replace him.
With his death, the likelihood of truth emerging about that assassination moves ever further away.
I am still searching my house for a volume that I had in my possession 30 years ago which made a pretty good case for his assertion.
Means? Motive? Opportunity?
With his death, the likelihood of truth emerging about that assassination moves ever further away.
I am still searching my house for a volume that I had in my possession 30 years ago which made a pretty good case for his assertion.
Means? Motive? Opportunity?
OLAF - Fit For Purpose?
Independent experts tasked with overseeing the
EU’s anti-fraud office, Olaf, say they are unable to carry out their
Thursday, May 30, 2013
The EU - Now We Know What It Is For.
The Express
reports that new EU regulations on energy efficiency to be introduced next year
will see a reduction in the suction power of vacuum cleaners.
'The Message' Bible.

French Problems In The Workplace.
French staff managers have increasingly been reporting faith-related problems at the work place, a new study released on Tuesday showed, with many incidents relating to Muslims trying to force others to observe their practices.Forty-three percent of staff managers reported faith-related problems at work, Reuters reported on the study by university researchers in Rennes and the international recruitment agency Randstad, and 41 percent expected the problem to continue in the future. Read more at:
What Church Is Not.
There is a general belief
thoughout society that 'some people go to Church - coz it's their bag, like.'
It is seen as quirky and essentially no different to belonging to any other
Indeed 'He goes to Church' is effectively no different to 'He belongs to a darts team.'
People do not attend Church 'from fear of hell' as the godless would have it.
Believers are actually
engaging directly with the omniscient, omnipresent omnipotent God of the
If it ain't like that at your local church - find one where it is. They are generally described - although not exclusively - as being evangelical.
Indeed 'He goes to Church' is effectively no different to 'He belongs to a darts team.'
People do not attend Church 'from fear of hell' as the godless would have it.

If it ain't like that at your local church - find one where it is. They are generally described - although not exclusively - as being evangelical.
De Tocqueville On Socialism Versus Democracy.
As for me, I am deeply a democrat; this is why I am
in no way a socialist. Democracy and socialism cannot go together. You
can't have it both ways... socialism is a new form of slavery.
- Alexis de Tocqueville, "Notes for a Speech on Socialism" (1848)
Global Warming Guesswork.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Leonard Cohen.
Iranian Persecution Moves On Apace.
Iran's Largest Pentecostal Church Closed, Pastor Detained.
By MidEast Christian News. The Central Assemblies of God Church (AOG), Iran's largest Persian-speaking Pentecostal church, was closed during a worship service on Monday, according to BosNewsLife. Its pastor, Robert Asserian, was detained on May 21 and moved to an unknown location. Christian Post.
Pakistani Women - Psalm 139.
Psalm 139
Listen to a group of Pakistani Christian women singing Psalm 139.
(Recorded on a recent trip to Pakistan.)
Dur: 4 mins 4 seconds. Release International.

Listen to a group of Pakistani Christian women singing Psalm 139.
(Recorded on a recent trip to Pakistan.)
Dur: 4 mins 4 seconds. Release International.
Pol Pot.
“I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my
country.”- Pol Pot.
Translation: "I butchered millions because of my twisted ideals."
Translation: "I butchered millions because of my twisted ideals."
Miliband: Words, Words, Empty Words.
In a speech in Dublin recently, former Foreign Secretary David
Miliband said that the answers to the EU’s problems are “not less Europe, more
Europe, or no Europe; it is a different Europe.” Project-syndicate
Sense In The Yorkshire Post.
From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
“HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs depend on Britain’s exports to Europe.” “Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner.” “It would be madness to leave the European Union because of this.” How many times have such statements been trotted out, which by omitting the full facts are wholly inaccurate and wilfully deceive many people.
How can it be boasted that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner? The word “partner” suggests equality, but our trade with Europe is far from equal. Britain imports far more goods from Europe than we export to them.
This is not an opinion but a plain and simple fact, as for every £100 worth of exports we export to Europe, Europe sells us around £140 worth back. Instead of claiming that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner, wouldn’t it be far more accurate and truthful to say that Britain is Europe’s best customer?
“HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs depend on Britain’s exports to Europe.” “Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner.” “It would be madness to leave the European Union because of this.” How many times have such statements been trotted out, which by omitting the full facts are wholly inaccurate and wilfully deceive many people.
How can it be boasted that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner? The word “partner” suggests equality, but our trade with Europe is far from equal. Britain imports far more goods from Europe than we export to them.
This is not an opinion but a plain and simple fact, as for every £100 worth of exports we export to Europe, Europe sells us around £140 worth back. Instead of claiming that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner, wouldn’t it be far more accurate and truthful to say that Britain is Europe’s best customer?
The Bible - Socialist Or Capitalist? - 4.
31 volume series refuting utterly that socialism is scriptural.
31 volume series refuting utterly that socialism is scriptural.
The Communist Manifesto - Tom Nixon.
As far as I’m aware, despite The Communist
Manifesto being the second most-sold book of all time after the Bible, there are
exactly zero examples of Marxism being successfully implemented. If it hasn’t
happened in 164 years then I can’t see it happening in the
Tom Nixon.
Tom Nixon.
This Could NOT Happen Under A Ukip Administration!

Thousands of criminals will have their records in effect wiped clean after as little as two years – meaning they will be hidden from prospective employers. Mail
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
So. Has Life improved?

Almost all of the above have now been replaced with 'the new morality' which means that you must be 'anti-isms of various hues', 'green' - whether sensible ideas are employed or not and latterly of course, you must become a born again believer in man being the author of the alleged 'climate change'.
Our society has become more fragmented through abandonment of traditions and by wholesale shifts in cultural emphasis.
Certainly, medical matters have improved which is a plus right up to the point when they won't let you die when your time has clearly arrived.
Technology has been a wonder - and for the most part a joy - but as with all things is a double-edged weapon. The very same Internet which brings you this noble piece is also a vehicle which has facilitated the spread of paedophile behaviour.We are all wealthier than ever before and blessed with greater choices but we extract far more from the planet.
Many systems have improved with very little on the downside.
But democracy has been eroded; faith undermined; morality cast out of the window; selfish creeds welcomed; governments have ceded the running of our nation to foreign governments and much, much more.
So has it all improved in my lifetime?
I would say that it is about one third better - mainly centred on the materialistic things.
The two thirds which are worse tend to mirror the deterioration in human behaviour. (First published on this Blog, January 2008.)
The Bible - Socialist Or Capitalist? - 3
The Bible is an anti-socialist document. Socialist
propagandists for over four centuries have claimed that the Bible teaches
socialism, but we have yet to see a single Bible commentary written by a
socialist. If the Bible teaches socialism, where is the expository evidence?
When I say that the Bible mandates a moral and legal
social order that inevitably produces free market
capitalism, I have the evidence to back up my position. My critics -- critics of capitalism -- do not. The next time you hear someone say that the Bible teaches anything but free market capitalism, ask him or her which Bible commentary demonstrates this. You will get a blank stare followed by a lot of verbal tap-dancing about "the ultimate ethic of the Bible" or "the upholding of the poor in the Bible." You will be given a lot of blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah is not a valid substitute for biblical exposition. Gary North. Fact: There has never been an expository Bible commentary that shows that the Bible teaches anything other than free market capitalism.
capitalism, I have the evidence to back up my position. My critics -- critics of capitalism -- do not. The next time you hear someone say that the Bible teaches anything but free market capitalism, ask him or her which Bible commentary demonstrates this. You will get a blank stare followed by a lot of verbal tap-dancing about "the ultimate ethic of the Bible" or "the upholding of the poor in the Bible." You will be given a lot of blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah is not a valid substitute for biblical exposition. Gary North. Fact: There has never been an expository Bible commentary that shows that the Bible teaches anything other than free market capitalism.
Roger Scruton On Socialism.
It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the
willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on
intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world.
And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it is not a truth-directed but a power-directed system of thought.
And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it is not a truth-directed but a power-directed system of thought.
- Roger Scruton, in Political Philosophy : Arguments for Conservatism (2006)
Friends Of The Earth - Absurd Claim Reported In Sheffield Star.
"Without EU action Sheffield would
have more polluted rivers and even higher levels of toxins in our
PIFFLE. Balderdash!
Evidence for 'would haves' and 'would have nots'? Pathetic! Utterly unprovable. Why is the EU needed to have us take common sense actions?
(My unsubstantiated opinion is that it would have been better without the EU. As I suppose that there would at least, have been more money available.)
PIFFLE. Balderdash!
Evidence for 'would haves' and 'would have nots'? Pathetic! Utterly unprovable. Why is the EU needed to have us take common sense actions?
(My unsubstantiated opinion is that it would have been better without the EU. As I suppose that there would at least, have been more money available.)
Israel: Losing The Moral High Ground?

Settling on the West Bank is considerably more controversial.
The Roman Church. Are You A Christian? - Time To Leave!
I have refused to enter a full
frontal attack against the ill-conceived words of Pope Francis a few days
ago outlining his 'salvation for atheists heresy' - as I wanted time for a carefully
considered reaction rather than the knee-jerk response I would have perhaps preferred.
Readers have seen my initial concerns but I am afraid that these comments simply do not go far enough.
I have always had many issues with the Roman Church where it deviates from the Scriptures through the thoughts of man. (Little wonder they were so many centuries not wanting believers to know what the Bible had to say and hiding its teachings in Latin.)
I have largely defended the RC Church - even considering all the anti-scriptural stances taken because 'Their central doctrines are basically Christian.'
BUT now, it appears that I can no longer say that. To state to an entire Church that the precepts of Scripture are wrong is an unholy act of such magnitude that I fear that I must now urge all believers in Jesus to leave that Church forthwith.
I am hoping that Francis has been misquoted - but I seriously doubt that.
Readers have seen my initial concerns but I am afraid that these comments simply do not go far enough.
I have always had many issues with the Roman Church where it deviates from the Scriptures through the thoughts of man. (Little wonder they were so many centuries not wanting believers to know what the Bible had to say and hiding its teachings in Latin.)
I have largely defended the RC Church - even considering all the anti-scriptural stances taken because 'Their central doctrines are basically Christian.'
BUT now, it appears that I can no longer say that. To state to an entire Church that the precepts of Scripture are wrong is an unholy act of such magnitude that I fear that I must now urge all believers in Jesus to leave that Church forthwith.
I am hoping that Francis has been misquoted - but I seriously doubt that.
UKIP Success In EU Elections?
In the 2014 EU Elections 27 per cent of prospective voters would support UKIP, with Labour on 23 per cent and the Tories on 21 per cent.
Open Europe Poll.
Open Europe Poll.
The EDL: Like UKIP, This Blog Despises The Hard Right.
With the huge loss of numbers from the BNP - these people have to have gone somewhere.
The 'rougher element', as it were, have gone automatically to increase the numbers of the oft violent, sinister and generally unpleasant, EDL.
Some have given up on politics.
A number have transferred to the English Democrats - and I cannot believe that they will not change the nature of that party completely.
Where they have NOT gone is to UKIP - not only because UKIP is determinedly non-racist but also they have to sign a declaration that they have never belonged to any racist party or group. Any who lie - are drummed out without appeal as soon as discovered.
On those rare occasions when Ukip find such an individual and remove them - the leftist forces use it as a stick to beat us. How does this logic work? Do the left have any logic at all in their so-called thought processes? Or is it perhaps that they see a way 'to smear' - knowing that it is dishonest.
I believe it to be a combination.
The 'rougher element', as it were, have gone automatically to increase the numbers of the oft violent, sinister and generally unpleasant, EDL.
Some have given up on politics.
A number have transferred to the English Democrats - and I cannot believe that they will not change the nature of that party completely.
Where they have NOT gone is to UKIP - not only because UKIP is determinedly non-racist but also they have to sign a declaration that they have never belonged to any racist party or group. Any who lie - are drummed out without appeal as soon as discovered.
On those rare occasions when Ukip find such an individual and remove them - the leftist forces use it as a stick to beat us. How does this logic work? Do the left have any logic at all in their so-called thought processes? Or is it perhaps that they see a way 'to smear' - knowing that it is dishonest.
I believe it to be a combination.
Just before I became a Christian, I met an evangelist and spent some time with him in a totally social setting.
I once asked him questions about the Scriptures and I recall him telling me that he had often done a study of Book of Romans with people who were seeking Truth. He averred that he had never known anybody fail to come to Faith after time spent on this pauline epistle.
I once asked him questions about the Scriptures and I recall him telling me that he had often done a study of Book of Romans with people who were seeking Truth. He averred that he had never known anybody fail to come to Faith after time spent on this pauline epistle.
Cameron On Holiday.
I rarely feel sorry for 'Dave' - but even poor PMs are entitled to a bit of time on holiday to 'recharge their batteries.' It's tough being an integrity-challenged hate figure.
There has been so much criticism of his going on holiday and even more demanding that he should return for every problem - it is all getting very silly.
There has been so much criticism of his going on holiday and even more demanding that he should return for every problem - it is all getting very silly.
RSPCA - I Think That We Can ALL Answer This Headline Question!
Does the RSPCA care more about foxes than the family pets they savage? Believe it or not, the charity doesn't want to be seen as 'species-ist'.
Since its huge veer to the left - I now support different animal charities.
Since its huge veer to the left - I now support different animal charities.
R.I.P. Bill Pertwee.
One of the very last of the Dad's Army team. I once saw him doing a very funny stand-up routine at Butlins in Skegness about 40 years ago.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Any Doubts That The Anti-Assad Forces Are 'The Good Guys'?
(Well - maybe the 'better'.)
Separately, the Lebanese militant movement Hezbollah has pledged support for the government of President Assad, promising in a TV interview, translated by the BBC, that they will deliver victory to the regime. Huff Post.
Separately, the Lebanese militant movement Hezbollah has pledged support for the government of President Assad, promising in a TV interview, translated by the BBC, that they will deliver victory to the regime. Huff Post.
Miracle In Vietnam?
Nick Vujicic Talking About God at Stadium in Vietnam Considered 'Miracle,' Says Organizer. By Jeff Schapiro.
The fact that inspirational Christian speaker Nick Vujicic could speak about God at all before a soccer stadium full of people in Vietnam, a communist country highly restrictive of religion, on Thursday was considered a miracle by one of the Vietnamese organizers of the event. Christian Post.
'Thousands dying because hospitals are understaffed.'
A Telegraph headline.
But how can this be true?
Last year, I was in hospital for a whole extra day after being released just waiting for one blood test and to be given a few pills.
Does that sound as if there is a crisis?
Sorry? - What did you say? - Inefficiency? Ah, well.
Extrapolate from my situation and ask how many people are 'bed-blocking' for no good reason whatsoever across the entire UK on any single day!
But how can this be true?
Last year, I was in hospital for a whole extra day after being released just waiting for one blood test and to be given a few pills.
Does that sound as if there is a crisis?
Sorry? - What did you say? - Inefficiency? Ah, well.
Extrapolate from my situation and ask how many people are 'bed-blocking' for no good reason whatsoever across the entire UK on any single day!
Pope John Paul The Second On Socialism.
The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated
that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it,
adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.
Pope John Paul II,
Centesimus Annus (1991).
Judge Causes Ripples! - Nice One Yer Honour!
South Yorkshire’s top judge has called for children to be removed from dysfunctional homes to end the ‘frightening’ cycle of crime.
Professor Sked Rants Against UKIP.

But - look at this:
Although now aged 65, he does not rule out starting a new political party.
“I think there is a place for a euro-sceptic
party on the centre Left of politics to put a bit of pressure on Labour and the
Liberal Democrats,” he said.
“I’d certainly be interested in helping to do that.”
“I’d certainly be interested in helping to do that.”
Liberal Christians Believe That God's Mercy Is Unconditional - They Are Wrong.
God's love is unconditional and is proved on Calvary.
God's righteousness is absolute.
God's mercy is conditional.
God's righteousness is absolute.
God's mercy is conditional.
Maoists Butcher 24 In India.

Militants ambushed members of the Congress Party in Chhattisgarh, central India, with landmines and guns, killing 24 and injuring 37 party leaders and supporters. Mail.
Cameron: More Troubles Caused By Ukip.
Tory donors have threatened to switch their allegiance to UKIP unless David Cameron adopts a tougher stance on Europe.
In yet another blow to his leadership, former Tory treasurer Lord Kalms said he was ‘willing to pack my bags’ and sign up with UKIP unless the Prime Minister adopted more traditional Tory policies.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage is set to seize on discontent among Tory MPs and UKIP’s recent success in the polls with a fund-raising appeal. Mail.
In yet another blow to his leadership, former Tory treasurer Lord Kalms said he was ‘willing to pack my bags’ and sign up with UKIP unless the Prime Minister adopted more traditional Tory policies.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage is set to seize on discontent among Tory MPs and UKIP’s recent success in the polls with a fund-raising appeal. Mail.
Not Read The Bible Through Yet?
START on the easier bits - and gradually tick
the books off one by one.
Don't start at the beginning. Toooo hard!
Why not begin with Mark's Gospel?
Don't start at the beginning. Toooo hard!
Why not begin with Mark's Gospel?
Sunday, May 26, 2013
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Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
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Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
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