Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sense In The Yorkshire Post.

From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
“HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs depend on Britain’s exports to Europe.” “Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner.” “It would be madness to leave the European Union because of this.” How many times have such statements been trotted out, which by omitting the full facts are wholly inaccurate and wilfully deceive many people.
How can it be boasted that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner? The word “partner” suggests equality, but our trade with Europe is far from equal. Britain imports far more goods from Europe than we export to them.
This is not an opinion but a plain and simple fact, as for every £100 worth of exports we export to Europe, Europe sells us around £140 worth back. Instead of claiming that Europe is Britain’s biggest trading partner, wouldn’t it be far more accurate and truthful to say that Britain is Europe’s best customer?

A Church in Crisis.