Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rigged Boundaries.

We now have fixed, five-year parliaments and we’re governed by a Coalition nobody voted for.
Ed Miliband is basing his entire strategy on gaining just 36 per cent of the total vote, which will put him into Downing Street on the basis of rigged constituency boundaries.

For all his talk about ‘fairness’, Clegg reneged on his agreement to revise the boundaries, so that each constituency would contain roughly the same number of voters. He has decided to stick with Labour’s rotten boroughs because he thinks there’s a chance the Lib Dems might just be able to slide into another Coalition, this time with Labour, after the next election. Read more:
MITK found a Mr Gerry Mander to put the Lib Dem point of view so heavily endorsed by Labour.
He stated, "Well - it's democratic if it works for us - innit?"
This Blog thanks him for his honesty.

A Church in Crisis.