Saturday, May 25, 2013


Judge allows abortion for bipolar woman at 23 weeks.

Listen to Andrea Williams
discuss the case on LBC Radio
(4m 56s) >
A High Court Judge in London has permitted a pregnant woman to abort her baby at 23 weeks despite evidence from doctors that she lacks the capacity to make a decision about abortion.

Commenting on the case, Andrea Minichiello Williams said: “In his decision, the Judge has eschewed professional medical opinion and the testimony of the mother. Autonomy has been elevated as supreme.
 “But there seems to be little acknowledgement of how traumatic a late term abortion can be. At 23 weeks, the baby is capable of surviving. The baby is alive and kicking in the womb.
 “Miss B’s mother’s concerns about future regret are absolutely valid. Recent evidence shows that having an abortion does not result in better mental health outcomes and may in fact have an adverse effect on a woman’s mental health.
 “The emphasis needs to be on care and compassion – for mother and child – not on autonomy. This is a very serious and disappointing judgment”. Christian Concern.

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