Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The EDL: Like UKIP, This Blog Despises The Hard Right.

With the huge loss of numbers from the BNP - these people have to have gone somewhere.
The 'rougher element', as it were, have gone automatically to increase the numbers of the oft violent, sinister and generally unpleasant, EDL.
Some have given up on politics.
A number have transferred to the English Democrats - and I cannot believe that they will not change the nature of that party completely.
Where they have NOT gone is to UKIP - not only because UKIP is determinedly non-racist but also they have to sign a declaration that they have never belonged to any racist party or group. Any who lie - are drummed out without appeal as soon as discovered.
On those rare occasions when Ukip find such an individual and remove them - the leftist forces use it as a stick to beat us. How does this logic work? Do the left have any logic at all  in their so-called thought processes? Or is it perhaps that they see a way 'to smear' - knowing that it is dishonest.
I believe it to be a combination.

A Church in Crisis.
