Thursday, December 21, 2017

Brexit Bore Out.

Some mildly anti-EU Brexiteers are starting to get fed up and wonder why they bothered voting 'out'.
After the Tory negotiating shambles - who can blame them?
But if you are one such - please do not lose heart as even the absurd £40 billion of our money which has been negotiated away will prove to be worth it in the end.
A poor Brexit is still streets better than a no-Brexit for the future of this nation.
The EU is dictatorial, petty, incompetent, corrupt and impossibly expensive - in ways which our own politicos and their bureaucratic lapdogs cannot even begin to match.
This is not rhetoric - these are hard facts!
The sad thing here is just how many opportunities this wretched government has simply thrown away!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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