Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Maria Di Nazareth.

I have just watched the heavily biased, wretched Maria di Nazareth 'documentary'. All the background of the mariolatry so prevalent in the Roman Church is described.
It draws from Islamic sources half a millennium  after the historical events; it comes from the apocryphal gospel of James some three centuries after the events and from 'traditions' - many of which are simply absurd.
It gives no base to the eternal virginity of Mary; the 'assumption of the virgin'; the legitimacy of praying to a human being!
I watched with an open mind and found NOTHING whatsoever outside blind belief in matters which are not found in the carefully compiled, accredited, sifted and tested Gospels.
So much surrounding Mary is the purest of pap!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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