Sunday, December 31, 2017

Project Fear Is STILL Doing The Rounds In Spite Of Huge Amounts Of Contrary Evidence.

Another 'Remain' Project Fear 'Scaremongering Forecast' Bites The Dust.

The number of EU nationals working in the UK has reached a new record level, official figures from the ONS reveal. There were an estimated 2.38 million employees from EU member states, excluding the UK from July to September this year. This was up by 112,000 on the equivalent period of 2016 and the highest number recorded since comparable records started 20 years ago.
Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007 and restrictions on citizens of the eastern European nations working in Britain were lifted in January 2014.
There was also a rise in the number of employees from 14 long-term member states including Germany, Italy, Spain and France, from 942,000 to 987,000.
UKIP's Immigration Spokesman John Bickley said: "This latest report from the ONS (Office for National Statistics) shows yet again the sheer ineptitude and untrustworthiness of the Remain 'establishment', which comprises mostly of Parliament, the civil service, CBI and the BBC. How many times have we been told by these so called experts since the EU Referendum in 2016 that EU citizens here in the UK are going homes in their droves. This report shows that nothing could be further from the truth.
"Much of the year-on-year increase has been driven by a rise in the number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK. In the third quarter of this year 347,000 nationals of the two countries were employed in the UK - an increase of 90,000 compared with July-September of 2016.
"Although UKIP remains very concerned that uncontrolled immigration is not in the best interests of the indigenous UK population and our public services, the ONS report shows that the Remain camp no longer has any credibility when it comes to forecasting the impact Brexit will have on the UK. They should crawl back under the rocks they came out from, learn some humility and respect the outcome of the vote to leave the EU, which by definition includes all of its institutions."More Project Fear Scaremongering Is WRONG!

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...