Saturday, December 23, 2017

Persecution Of Stephen Baldwin.

(PHOTO: REUTERS)Stephen Baldwin.
Actor Stephen Baldwin has opened up about the rejection he feels from Hollywood, both due to his Christianity and his support for President Donald Trump, with producers openly saying they don't want him and his Bible around.
Baldwin's interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday served to promote his "Great American Pilgrimage" TV series, where the actor travels across the U.S. talking to Americans about the state of the union, and delved into his support for Trump and his faith.
Baldwin said that he's known as the "Jesus freak of Hollywood," which both does and doesn't bother him.
"It's unfortunate that because I have believed in Jesus for 15 years that there are many in Hollywood who are unwilling to work with me. That's not a guess. Casting people and producers have told me that they've brought up my name in a room and the response was, 'No way, we're not bringing that guy and his Bible over here,'" the actor said.
As to whether his Christianity or support for Trump has hurt his career more, he replied: "Humor was invented by Jesus. Please put that in the interview so all those fabulous people in Hollywood can read that Baldwin said Jesus invented humor. But this is why I'm doing 'American Pilgrimage,' because we all connect through humor, but we're losing that joy, that irony of laughing." CP.

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