Tuesday, January 30, 2018

CCTV Is A Must In ALL Abattoirs.

All abattoirs must have CCTV demand UKIP after Halal workers plead guilty.

Published Jan 24, 2018
The appalling case where abattoir workers at the £29m per annum Hallal slaughterhouse in North Yorkshire have pleased guilty to animal cruelty after film of their horrific behaviour was brought to light has lead to calls for a rapid change in legislation.
UKIP Agriculture spokesman, Stuart Agnew MEP said,
"It is incidents such as this that test the tolerance of the British people towards those of other cultures. UKIP has long had a policy of installing CCTV into abattoirs to ensure that the law on religious slaughter is observed.
"The individuals pictured in the films is a disgrace to his community which I hope will stridently condemn their actions."
The UKIP policy dates back to our manifesto of 2015 and was reiterated last year.
It applies to all slaughterhouses in the UK, both religious and secular.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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