'I've just signed your death warrant': Female judge blasts paedophile US gymnastics doctor as she jails him for 175 YEARS for sexually abusing more than 100 leading athletes

Larry Nassar was sentenced to 175 years in prison on Wednesday after a seven-day sentencing hearing in a Michigan courtroom. Prior to that, the pedophile doctor addressed his victims in a brief statement, choosing to turn and face the women as he made his remarks. 'Your words these past several days, your words, have had a significant emotional effect on myself and has shaken me to my core, he mumbled through tears. 'I also realize what I'm feeling pales in comparison.' He then added: 'I will carry you words with me for the rest of my days.' Those tearful words were revealed to be completely hollow however by Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, who proved that point by reading from the letter that Nassar submitted to the court last week. Mail.