Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Verminous! Beneath Contempt. Let Me Introduce You To The Left Of British Politics!

'Happy Regicide Day!' Corbynista student group faces backlash after jibing that the Queen should be EXECUTED like King Charles

  • University of Liverpool Labour students hailed anniversary of Charles execution
  • Tweeted 'Happy Regicide Day' and joked that 'we did it once, we can do it again'
  • The society later deleted the post and apologised for 'any offence caused' 
A Corbynista students group is facing a major backlash after jibing that the Queen should be executed like King Charles.
The University of Liverpool Labour society posted on Twitter hailing the anniversary of the former monarch being beheaded 369 years ago.
The message added: 'Happy #RegicideDay, comrades! We did it once, we can do it once again.'
The swipe sparked anger, with a senior Tory MP accusing the students of being 'ignorant' of history and saying they should 'get a life'.
The University of Liverpool Labour society posted on Twitter hailing the anniversary of the former monarch being beheaded 369 years ago
The University of Liverpool Labour society posted on Twitter hailing the anniversary of the former monarch being beheaded 369 years ago
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Anger and Forgiveness.