Saturday, January 27, 2018

People's Hatred Never Condoned But Has To Be Understood.

I publish this piece as I feel that it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with the UK but cannot accept the suggested responses. Blogger.
I’m not a person easily given to hatred but it would be fair to say that as far as the Liberal, Left, traitorous and treasonous criminals that have sold out my country and the people they were elected to represent, I’m talking about the LibLabCon, I do hate them from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
If the Liberal Lefties call me a racist, I regard it as a compliment, I’m very proud of my race. Our races have evolved over thousands of years and the Leftards would like to do away with this in the space of a lifetime: ‘insanity.’
Now we’re being told that we can’t even acknowledge our own gender, something that is built into our genes and the core of our being. Not only is this insanity but something I believe to be Satanic in its origin. I’m still trying to work out if we are in a war against the white race or a war against Christianity.
For years we’ve been constantly reassured that immigration is good for our country: another lie! Apparently less than fifty percent of the UK population pay income tax (see here) According to National Statistics the number of income taxpayers is dropping by around a hundred thousand a year despite immigration in the many hundreds of thousands a year. It seems that the majority of these migrants are so unskilled and uneducated that they fall below the minimum tax threshold and are presumably claiming benefits.
Is it surprising then that we’re constantly reading of crisis in the National Health Service, the massive cost of the welfare state, the fact that Britain is increasingly in debt: does anybody expect this situation to ever improve under our current Liberal Lefty system?
We import millions of uneducated people from shitholes [Ed: this word has now become acceptable: what is good enough for President Trump is good enough for us!around the world that we have to support, in return they groom our children for sex and brutally rape our women. Our Liberal, Lefty governments of course try to cover this up. My native country is in a very sorry state, all due to the policies of the LibLabCon, these parties have all fallen to the Liberal Left and its Politically Correct, Cultural Marxism: there is no reason we have to accept this.
Like my teachers at school, our politically correct, Marxist, Liberal Lefty governments forbid us to even talk about our plight, let alone defend ourselves. We need to confront these people, we will only win if we hate them from the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes.
Through the policies of successive governments, every indicator, economic, demographic or any other are all pointing in one direction, towards disaster. When the time comes conflict is extremely likely. Ukip Daily article.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...