Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jonathan Arnott Using Role As MEP To Work With Open Doors.

If the murder, enslavement, torture, beating, execution 

and imprisonment of Christians worldwide is ever to stop, 

then a necessary first step is that we must be aware of it.

Last week I had a meeting with Open Doors, a charity which works with 
Christians worldwide who face persecution for their beliefs. It was, to 
say the least, an eye-opener for me. I was aware that Christians in 

various countries around the world are being persecuted for their beliefs.
 Indeed, I’ve tried to raise some of those cases to the best of my ability 
with the (limited) power that a Member of the European Parliament 
actually has (less than you might think, the EU system being designed 
to keep power in the hands of the unelected). When something is 
happening, but not right on your doorstep, it’s easy to miss something 
very serious.
I should point out that Christians are not the only religious group that 
is persecuted: talking about the persecution of Christians does not 
preclude the existence of persecution of other groups (and indeed, I also 
out about those matters) In the 2017 reporting period, around 
1,200 Christians were killed for their faith. By the 2018 reporting period, 
the number had grown to 3,000. These figures do not reflect the true 
situation, because there are many killings that cannot be included. 
If a Christian is killed for their faith in North Korea, how do we find 
out about it? Instances across the world may not be reported, for a 
variety of reasons. The figures I’ve given may just be the tip of the 
iceberg: more than 200 million Christians face ‘high’ levels of persecution 
of their faith.
In North Korea, children are urged to ‘report’ their parents if they suspect 
them of being Christians; those who do are unlikely to ever see their family 
again. Afghanistan, perhaps unsurprisingly after the events of recent 
years, is almost as bad – with anyone converting to Christianity facing 
a death sentence for ‘apostasy’. Open Doors also claims that Hindu 
nationalism in India has “embedded the culture of impunity for those 
who persecute Christians”. With so much hatred in the world, in some 
cases persecution is the result of a consistent blind eye being turned
 by authorities to crimes against those of a faith ‘different’ to the majority.
 It is not organised by a government, but through inaction they permit 
such things to continue.
In that meeting, one of the people delivering a presentation sat for 
most of the meeting with her head in her hands, looking downwards 
and averting her eyes from the rest of the room. She was terrified of 
being photographed, fearing that she would be unable to continue her 
work with Christians overseas if she were recognised. I knew of such things
 in the past, of course: Christians who smuggled Bibles into the old 
Soviet Union, fearing beatings or being sent to a remote gulag in Siberia 
from which they might never return. That the same could be the case 
today, relating to a country I would not have expected (and which I 
won’t name here), says so much. That’s what is most shocking: 
beyond the figures and statistics, beyond the stories of lives 
changed, destroyed or ended by persecution: today – in the 
21st century – persecution of Christians (and possibly other 
religions but I don’t have the figures for this) is increasing 
rather than decreasing. We feel we live in a civilised world, one in 
which basic truths of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ actually mean something. 
years ago, North Korea was the only country where ‘extreme’ 
of Christians was commonplace. Today, 11 countries meet that description.
Those 11 countries don’t share much in common: in practice, if not
 constitutionally, they are atheist, Islamic, and Hindu, but they do 
share one thing: a mindset of exclusivity. To me, it’s a poignant 
reminder of what loving your nation, or religious beliefs, should be 
all about. I am a Christian myself, but I don’t hate atheists or Muslims. 
I care about the persecution of Christians, but that doesn’t mean I 
don’t care about persecution of Yazidis or the Rohingya for example. 
I love my country, but I don’t hate anybody else’s. I’m proudly 
pro-Brexit, but if you disagree, we should do so amicably. 
And as a Northerner, I don’t hate Southerners. That kind of yah-boo 
dislike of the ‘other side’ should be confined to the football pitch 
where it belongs, where people can yell at the referee and the 
opposition to their hearts’ content without any actual harm being 
done to anyone.
Murder, enslavement, torture, beating, execution and imprisonment 
of Christians worldwide must stop.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...