Sunday, March 18, 2018

Diet - Happy Birthday!

On the 18th of March, 2017, I began my new, calorie-controlled diet. I was weighing in at around eighteen and a half stone.
Having seen the success of a number of people around me, I grabbed the bull by the horns and began to live on 1,500 calories per day. That does not have to be at all difficult.
I could have got by on 1,200 by just taking into account my carefully-planned but very filling meals - but I have always had a tendency to snack late evening and so sadly, I used up the unnecessary 300 most days. Think what weight I could have been now. Sigh!
I have found that protein, meal replacement bars can fight hunger pangs and most tend to be around 200 cals. (The drinks are similar although Slimfast seem to charge the first price that comes into their heads.)
I now weigh in at just under fourteen and a half stone. The weight has come off steadily - but now pretty slowly. I have another twenty pounds to go. (More months await before I dare go up to the 2,000 cals which will be a daily, lifetime goal. It will take time. )
Potatoes have helped me enormously. I learned about syn-free chips many years ago. Part bake a large amount of potatoes in the micro-wave. Chip them when cold. Spray several oven trays with One Cal and then do the same to the chips. Cook til crisp and brown - then weigh 'em.
300 grams equates to about 230 cals. That is a LOT of food. Fry two eggs in One Cal and you will have a heavy meal for well under 400 cals. The less hungry you are, the less you want to go over your set limit.
No sugary drinks - including fruit juices and dried fruit. 
Porridge is filling - and if you select carefully between brands often only 100 cals per portion.
Muesli - check the cals - it can be a good friend. Rice is not too bad but must be boiled.
Skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. Little wine and beer - spirits carry far fewer cals. A G&T with diet tonic can be a calorie-cheap reward.
Huge curries and similar dishes which you make yourself can keep the cals way down. Cut the olive oil to one tablespoon for a four meal pan load. Onions, peppers, garlic, mushrooms, your own spices - small portions of lean meat. A mountain of chips one meal of this type can easily be well under 500 cals.
When you are hungry - you will eventually give up. Plan carefully and you don't need to be! Investigate jacket potatoes - another boon to the dieter who likes a full stomach.
(Take great care with bread, though!)
My body double - well - sort of.

Learn the cals for everything you eat and drink. You can eat anything as long as you do not cheat. For me, the target was 1,500 for my weight, age and frame. Online you will find out what your calorie target should be.
Happy weight loss!

Er ... Yes! Possibly,