Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Sheer Reality of What Being A Christian Is.
'The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.' Billy Graham.
Sewers of Anti Semitism.
As the west goes in one direction, so the Arab world is now going in the other.
While British and western “progressive” circles descend ever deeper into the sewers of antisemitism and its contemporary mutation, the campaign to exterminate the State of Israel, the Arab world is beginning to renounce its own desire to wipe Israel off the map.
Prominent figures from 15 Arab countries met in London last week to reject the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement — whose aim is to destroy Israel — and encourage the establishment of relations with Israel instead.
The Clarion Project reports that participants were drawn from Morocco, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and the Gulf states and included journalists, artists, politicians, diplomats, Quranic scholars, women and young people. The meeting was publicised only after its participants returned to their native countries. The New York Times was allowed to post a live stream of the meeting (held in Arabic) after the event.
“The Times reported that the group in London agreed that ‘BDS] has only helped [Israel] while damaging Arab nations that have long shunned the Jewish state. Demonizing Israel has cost Arab nations billions in trade.’ Mustafa el-Dessouki, an Egyptian who is the managing editor of the prominent news magazine Majalla (which is funded by Saudi Arabia), was one of the main organizers of the meeting.
“In recent travels around the Middle East, Dessouki said met many Arabs with similar views to his, including citizens of Lebanon. This was in spite of the fact that the Arab news media and entertainment industry have long been ‘programming people toward this hostility’ against Israel and Jews, he said, while politicians were ‘intimidating and scaring people into manifesting it.’”
Meanwhile, also last week the Israeli foreign ministry brought to Israel a group of journalists from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Egypt.
“Speaking on the condition of anonymity, one of the journalists, who was described as a prominent figure in Saudi Arabia, said: ‘There is no escape from establishing normal relations with Israel.’ By ‘normal relations’ he said he meant ‘real peace,’ not the peace that is currently seen between the Egyptian and Jordanian governments with Israel, which he criticized for fomenting hate against Israel. In regards to the Palestinian issue, the Saudi said, ‘Why should the Arab world ignite problems with Israel and the super-powers because of a small minority? This minority had a chance to form a state in ’47 but refused because it only dealt with the question, “Why do the Jews have an independent country?””
“When asked about his experience touring Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, he said, “‘When people heard I am from Saudi Arabia, they were amazed. Not in a hostile manner, but by accepting who I was. I love the Jewish people and all the citizens of Israel,’ he concluded in Hebrew.”
Wow. In a repressive state like Saudi Arabia, people do not speak out like this unless they know they have the tacit approval of the regime. And there have been others. In the summer a Saudi blogger, Mohammed Saud, was violently attacked by Palestinians when he made a high-profile visit to Israel. They spat at him and cursed him as an “animal” and a “Zionist”, and one threw a plastic chair at him. But he still spoke out about what he had found.
“Visiting Israel, he said, was like ‘being in heaven’. ‘For those people who hate Israel,’ he concluded, ‘I would like you to think deeply, and I invite you to come and visit Israel. You will find a different experience. You will find that most of the propaganda and the bad media about Israel is not true.’’’
Earlier in the year, after Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired hundreds of rockets at southern Israel over a two-day span resulting in Israeli air-strikes and the assassination of a top Hamas commander, several prominent Saudi journalists and intellectuals expressed support for Israel and blamed Iran for the outbreak in hostilities.
One of them, the former director of the Middle East Centre for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jeddah, Abd Al-Hamid Al-Hakim, wrote to the Israelis: “Our hearts are with you. May Allah protect Israel and its people. We will not let the treacherous hand of Iran and its agents in Gaza reach the Israeli people,” he added.
Wow and wow again. Seasoned western observers of the Arab world, however, sniff that this is all merely tactical positioning, led by Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to gain the support of both Israel and the US in Saudi Arabia’s battle against Iran and is of no lasting significance.
Maybe. We’ll know for certain that something really momentous is happening if and when these Arab states stop pumping out their eye-watering Jewish conspiracy theories and deranged medieval blood libels about Jews using the blood of gentile children in baking their Passover matzos – the kind of murderous lies that are now being circulated as fact in degraded, de-moralised and decadent Britain (to the astonishment and horror of its many decent citizens, who are only now beginning to realise the nature and extent of the poison that is coursing through their country).
It’s obviously advisable to be cautious. A few reforming voices in the Arab world don’t necessarily mean a cultural revolution is under way. But it could just be that something quite revolutionary is now developing which hitherto would have been thought utterly impossible — an acceptance by the Arab world of the tiny, ancient homeland of the Jewish people alongside the vast lands of Islam.
History shows that societies which respect the Jews prosper; societies that despise them set the seal on their own destruction. It’s a lesson that the Arab world may slowly be beginning to learn – while the west slides towards a cultural precipice that few within it even realise is there. Melanie Phillips.
Some Better News.
ONS reveals divorce rate fallen to lowest for almost 50 years.
But how many are not marrying, we must ask?
But how many are not marrying, we must ask?
Former Labour MP Gisela Stuart ...
Ms Stuart reunited with her fellow Vote Leave leaders Michael Gove and Mr Johnson, where she urged supporters to vote for the Tories in next month's election to get Brexit done. Speaking at a key election speech in central London on Friday, she said Labour's proposed Brexit was "just a version of Remain" and that her vote for Mr Johnson did not mean she was a Tory. Express.
Friday, November 29, 2019
We Are Not Promised Tomorrow. I Pray That He Had Given His Life To Jesus - There Are No Second Chances.
"After dinner, Gary unfortunately collapsed in their residence and was rushed to hospital but unfortunately passed away due to subdural haematoma.
"At this time, there are no other details and the family would again request privacy around this very tragic loss and again, thank friends and family for their ongoing support at this time."
Mr Bhatia told MailOnline: "I have been told by friends in Dubai that he slipped and banged his head and was then taken to hospital.
The weaponization of 'identity'

G.K. Chesterton once observed that the “special mark of the modern world is not that it is sceptical, but that it is dogmatic without knowing it.” CP
Just One Tiny Problem With This Heading.
God Didn’t Punish Sodom and Gomorrah for Homosexuality?
What Would You Say?
November 21, 2019

You’re in a conversation about the Bible and homosexuality and someone says to you:
God didn’t punish Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality, he punished them for inhospitality, promiscuity, and sexual violence.
What would you say?
In the book of Genesis, God sent angels in the form of men to visit the town of Sodom in the home of a man named Lot. When the men in the town learned about the visitors, they descended on Lot’s house and attempted to rape the visitors.
Soon after, Sodom was destroyed. For millennia, this story has been understood as a story about God’s punishment of sin, including the sin of homosexuality. In fact, the word “Sodomy” comes from the town of Sodom.
But some now argue that this story has been misunderstood. They claim that God’s punishment of Sodom had nothing to do with homosexuality. But was instead punishment for inhospitality or promiscuity.
If you hear this argument here are a couple of things to remember.
1. The context of Genesis makes the meaning of the Sodom story clear.
2. Other scripture confirms the connection between Sodom and homosexuality.
Check out the full video linked below.
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Justice Finally Done After Being Put Into An Impossible Position.
Hillsborough: David Duckenfield found not guilty of manslaughter.
Former South Yorkshire police chief was on trial after new investigation and inquests.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Emperor's New Clothes!
BreakPoint: Are there Limits to Denying Reality?
BreakPoint: Are there Limits to Denying Reality?
Nothing describes the social pressure to conform better than Hans Christian Andersen’s parable, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Do... Read More
Leftist Politicisation of Our Police MUST End.
Tim Dieppe comments on the case of Harry Miller, who is suing the police over their policy on ‘hate speech’.
Former police officer Harry Miller lives in Lincoln and is a director of a business that employs some 70 people. One day in January he received a call from his office saying that the police had turned up there and wanted to speak to him. He called the police and spoke to PC Mansoor Gull who told him that an anonymous person had reported him for hate speech. The caller had found the company he is a director of and reported that his workplace would not be a safe place for trans people.
PC Gull said that he was in possession of 30 offensive tweets by Harry Miller. Miller asked if he had committed a crime. PC Gull said no. Miller then asked if any of the tweets came close to being a crime. PC Gull then read what he called a ‘limerick’ which Miller had re-tweeted. Miller did not even write the poem which asserts that transgender women are really men and that trans surgery is artificial. Miller then asked why PC Gull was wasting his time on a non-crime, to which PC Gull replied: “It’s not a crime, but it will be recorded as a hate incident.”
What is a ‘hate incident’?
The definition of a ‘hate incident’ is:
“A hate incident is any non-crime perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race / religion or perceived religion / sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation / disability or perceived disability / transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
Notice how many times ‘perception’ is emphasised in this definition. Basically, if anyone perceives anything as a hate incident then it is a hate incident. The police will then have to record it, and there is no innocent till proven guilty. There is no proven guilty at all. In fact, there is no way to prove innocence either. Such an allegation will be recorded against you forevermore, with no recourse to fact or anything else. No matter whether the motive of the reporting person was actually hate in the first place! When Miller later asked Humberside police to remove him from their hate-crime statistics, they said they couldn’t because they were following the policing guidelines.
Thought Police
During the conversation with Miller, PC Gull kept referring to the complainant as ‘the victim’. Miller asked how he was a victim since PC Gull agreed that there was no crime. Miller explained that calling the complainant a ‘victim’ made Miller a ‘criminal’ by default. PC Gull persisted with this terminology, however.
Then PC Gull explained that he needed to speak with Miller because even though Miller had committed no crimes whatsoever, “I need to check your thinking”. Miller explained that that meant PC Gull was acting like the ‘thought police’. He asked PC Gull if he had ever read George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. Gull hadn’t, of course, and Miller explained that it was a dystopian novel and not a police handbook.
Police training to blame
PC Gull then explained to Miller: “What you have to understand, Mr Miller, is that sometimes a female brain grows with the wrong body parts and that is what being trans is.” Miller asked if that was the official definition of trans. PC Gull said “Yes, I’ve been on a course.” Miller laughed, and the whole conversation lasted over 30 minutes while Miller was lectured on thoughtcrime, and transgender ideology.
Transgender campaign group Mermaids advertise on their website that they provide training for NHS, Police Service, Social Services, Schools, and others. In this way, officers like PC Gull are being trained in transgender ideology. Even worse, some of them, like PC Gull, seem to actually believe it too, no matter that it is clearly contrary to science and common sense.
Judicial Review
Miller has been brave enough to sue the police over the whole ‘hate speech’ agenda. He says that he was merely participating in a contemporary political debate over transgenderism. The government did a consultation on gender recognition last year and the law has not changed so far. Yet the police are clamping down on comments which are perceived as ‘transphobic’. Miller’s only resort in law is judicial review which is costly and therefore not open to most people. Nevertheless, Miller has decided that this is a fight worth sacrificing for. People must be able to speak their minds. If we don’t have free speech, we don’t have a free society.
Miller wants his name cleared of a hate incident. As far as he was concerned, there was no hate and there was no incident. He is also calling for the College of Policing to immediately withdraw their guidelines on hate incidents.
Miller was finally able to get hold of copies of the 30 tweets that the police claimed were transphobic. One of them simply said: “Huh?” What that ‘huh?’ was replying to was redacted. Another said, “When did transgender day of remembrance become a thing?” which is merely a question.
Miller later found that his ‘hate incident’ could appear on an enhanced CRB check. This in spite of him not having committed a crime and having no recourse to appeal. This means that anyone who is reported for a ‘hate incident’ could have their career blocked with that incident appearing in a DBS check for employment.
Fair Cop
Miller set up campaign group Fair Cop to pressure the police to change their policy on hate incidents. Fair Cop is crowdfunding his case against the police. The Judicial Review case will be heard in the Royal Courts of Justice this week. His lawyers will argue that the police are acting in breach of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights which preserves the right to freedom of expression. This case is very significant. If he wins, we could see a wholesale change in policing and a real shift towards freedom of speech. If he loses, then this will demonstrate that we are clearly living in a restricted society and that thought police are a reality in the UK today. Either way it is expected that the case will be appealed.
We will be following the case closely as it has big implications for the freedom to preach the gospel and to speak truth in today’s society. We hope and pray that the courts see sense. Christian Concern.
Watch Harry tell more of his story
Singapore Insists That Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done!
Pictured: Parents accused of keeping their five-year-old son in a cat cage before scalding him to death as they refuse to take the stand in murder trial
- Azlin Arujunah and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman, both 27, lived in Singapore
- Their son died in October 2016 after suffering burns to 75 per cent of his body
- The only witnesses for the defence will now be their respective psychologists
PUBLISHED: , 27 November 2019 | , 27 November 2019
The parents accused of keeping their son in a cat cage before scalding him to death have been pictured - as they refuse to take the stand in a murder trial.
Azlin Arujunah and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman, both 27, have been accused of abusing their son at the family home in Singapore three years ago.
The trial, which began on November 12, heard how their five-year-old son had died in October 2016 after being scalded by 198F (92C) water which had caused burns to 75 per cent of his body.

Azlin Arujunah (right) and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman (left), both 27, have been accused of abusing their son at the family home in Singapore three years ago
High Court judge Valerie Thean today called for the couple to testify but both have said that they 'do not wish' to do so.
Rahman's lawyer, Mr Eugene Thuraisingam, said that 'there are reasons why people take the stand or not' and branded it as a 'strategic decision'.
The Deputy Public Prosecutor said: 'If they choose to take this course, they have to lie where they make their bed,' according to the Straits Times.
The pair had previously admitted acts of abuse in numerous police statements.

The cat cage that Arujunah and Rahman are accused of keeping their five-year-old son in before his death in October 2016
The only witnesses for the defence will now be their respective psychologists.
Dr Jacob Rajesh, Arujunah's psychologist, created a report on how she was suffering from an adjustment disorder with depressed mood.
And Dr Ken Ung diagnosed Rahman with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypnotic use disorder and intermittent explosive disorder.
The parents accused of keeping their son in a cat cage before scalding him to death have been pictured - as they refuse to take the stand in a murder trial.
Azlin Arujunah and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman, both 27, have been accused of abusing their son at the family home in Singapore three years ago.
The trial, which began on November 12, heard how their five-year-old son had died in October 2016 after being scalded by 198F (92C) water which had caused burns to 75 per cent of his body.

Azlin Arujunah (right) and Ridzuan Mega Abdul Rahman (left), both 27, have been accused of abusing their son at the family home in Singapore three years ago
High Court judge Valerie Thean today called for the couple to testify but both have said that they 'do not wish' to do so.
Rahman's lawyer, Mr Eugene Thuraisingam, said that 'there are reasons why people take the stand or not' and branded it as a 'strategic decision'.
The Deputy Public Prosecutor said: 'If they choose to take this course, they have to lie where they make their bed,' according to the Straits Times.
The pair had previously admitted acts of abuse in numerous police statements.

The cat cage that Arujunah and Rahman are accused of keeping their five-year-old son in before his death in October 2016
The only witnesses for the defence will now be their respective psychologists.
Dr Jacob Rajesh, Arujunah's psychologist, created a report on how she was suffering from an adjustment disorder with depressed mood.
And Dr Ken Ung diagnosed Rahman with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hypnotic use disorder and intermittent explosive disorder.
re's High Court.
On the first day of the trial the court heard how the five-year-old was kept in a cat cage and tortured with heated spoons and pliers for months before he died.
His death was caused by blows to the head and a deluge of 198F water poured over his back and calves, prosecutors said.
Pictures of the boy's injuries were shown on a screen in court.
He had a fracture to his nose and bruising on his limbs, scalp and lips as well as his gums being torn, the pathologist said.

High Court judge Valerie Thean at Singapore's High Court (pictured) today called for the couple to testify but both have said that they 'do not wish' to do so
The child, who has not been named due to a court order, died just a day after he was admitted to hospital.
A foster family had taken the boy in shortly after his birth in 2011 but he later returned to his biological parents in 2015.
Singapore's legal system maintains a mandatory death penalty for a number of offences including murder.
If found guilty, Arujunah and Rahman could be executed at the gallows in Changi prison.
Both defendants deny murder and the trial continues. Mail.
On the first day of the trial the court heard how the five-year-old was kept in a cat cage and tortured with heated spoons and pliers for months before he died.
His death was caused by blows to the head and a deluge of 198F water poured over his back and calves, prosecutors said.
Pictures of the boy's injuries were shown on a screen in court.
He had a fracture to his nose and bruising on his limbs, scalp and lips as well as his gums being torn, the pathologist said.

High Court judge Valerie Thean at Singapore's High Court (pictured) today called for the couple to testify but both have said that they 'do not wish' to do so
The child, who has not been named due to a court order, died just a day after he was admitted to hospital.
A foster family had taken the boy in shortly after his birth in 2011 but he later returned to his biological parents in 2015.
Singapore's legal system maintains a mandatory death penalty for a number of offences including murder.
If found guilty, Arujunah and Rahman could be executed at the gallows in Changi prison.
Both defendants deny murder and the trial continues. Mail.
Not Bad, Godsiff.
Tim Dieppe comments on the news that Roger Godsiff MP was
deselected by the Labour Party for the next General Election
after standing up for parents’ rights. Christian Concern.
Former Labour MP for Birmingham Hall Green,
Roger Godsiff has been banned from standing by
the Labour Party after telling protestors in Birmingham
that they had “a just cause” for protesting about sex
education programmes in primary schools.
He said to protestors: “I will continue to try and fight
your corner because you’re right. Nothing more,
nothing less. You’re right.”
Roger Godsiff has subsequently confirmed that he will
run as an independent in the general election. In the
2017 election he received 78% of the vote with a majority
of 33,944.
‘Small intolerant vindictive group’
In a statement explaining why he is standing as an
independent labour candidate he said:
“I have always put the interests of my constituents
above everything else and I don’t succumb to threats.
I have supported the rights of parents to have a say,
not a veto, over how the most sensitive aspects of the
Equality Act are taught to young children. In doing
this I incurred the anger of a small intolerant vindictive
group within the LGBT community who were totally
opposed to the concept of ‘age appropriateness’ as is
allowed in the legislation and the accompanying DFE
“The small group within the LGBT community who are
fanatically opposed to parents having any say in how
their 4/5 year old children are taught highly sensitive
issues such as sexual orientation and gender assignment
have had their ‘human sacrifice’ but I have no intention
of walking away quietly.”
He went on to allege that the headteacher of Anderton
Park primary school, which is in his constituency, privately
told him that she agreed with him about age-appropriateness
, but said that if she taught in that way then “the LGBT
community would have something to say about it.” He later reflected “that no group within our democratic society
should have the right to veto how legislation passed by
parliament should be implemented.”
Keith Vaz not banned
Meanwhile, the Labour party has yet to prevent former
MP Keith Vaz from standing in East Leicester. The House
of Commons Committee on Standards released a scathing
report on 28 October which found that Keith Vaz had
engaged in paid-for sex with two men and had offered
to buy illegal drugs for a third person to use. This occurred
in 2016 while Mr Vaz was chairing the Home Affairs Select
Committee which was conducting inquiries into drugs and
prostitution. There was therefore a clear conflict of interest,
as well as a breach of the Code of Conduct for MPs.
The Committee on Standards also found that Mr Vaz showed
disrespect for the law and failed to fully co-operate with the
inquiry process. It recommended that Mr Vaz be suspended
an MP for an unprecedented six months.
A statement on Mr Vaz’s website says he has been admitted
to hospital and is receiving treatment for a serious mental
condition. The Labour Party has been criticised for
refusing to remove the
whip from Mr Vaz. The Shadow Home Secretary, Dianne
Abbott has said
that Mr Vaz should agree not to be a candidate.
Hopefully Roger Godsiff will retain his seat
It appears that the Labour Party is keen to deselect someone
who stands up for parents’ rights, while refusing to discipline
someone who has flagrantly broken the law. What standards
does the Labour Party stand for? I hope that Roger Godsiff
is able to retain his seat in defiance of the Labour Party in the forthcoming election.
*Since this article was published, Keith Vaz MP has
announced that he will be retiring from Parliament
and therefore not standing in the General Election.
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