Thursday, September 05, 2024

DISGRACEFUL. No Jail For Wicked Attack. If This Had Been A Man - He Would Already Be Behind Bars.


Drunk horse rider who scarred glam love rival by smashing glass in her face after day at races sobs as she avoids jail

The victim slammed the soft sentence after her attacker walked free.
  • Published: 13:08, 4 Sep 2024.
  • A DRUNK horse rider scarred her glamorous love rival for life when she smashed a glass in her face during a day at the races.
  • Raging Mia Troake, 22, attacked fellow rider Felicity Calveley, who had previously been in a relationship with her boyfriend.
A row erupted when the pair bumped into each other at a restaurant after Troake asked her rival: "Do you want to f**k my boyfriend?"

When Felicity flippantly replied "Yeah", Troake smashed a gin glass in the estate agent's face.

She was left needing stitches after her lip was cut during the savage attack and has been scarred for life.

Troake sobbed as she was spared jail after pleading guilty to unlawful wounding. Sun.

Blogger: It is 19 years since I left the Magistracy. Back in my day too, women were often spared jail for serious offences. There was always something to prevent JPs jailing women. It was, and continues to be, an affront to justice.

Last time I saw stats, for every woman in jail - 22 men were locked up! - I know that men offend more often than women but ...
What would be happening with the left if these figures were reversed? Feminists going berserk? - Good to see how evenhanded they are in their thinking - isn't it?

Planned violence like this must ALWAYS result in custody!
I have just thought back hard and reckon that, in ten years on the Bench, it is quite possible that I was never allowed to jail a female.Emoji


  The primary reaction to the idea of placing an explosive device into 5,000 or so pagers is surely one of utter horror and disgust. However...