Wow! How strange that the Jews who hated Jesus at the time forgot to mention the 'scam' in the Talmud.
"Mariamene is Mary Magdalene" declares Cameron on no evidence whatsoever.
I quote:
"Except, well, wait. Why are we meant to believe Mary Magdalene is the same person as Mariamene? She was simply called Mary in the New Testament. In the Talmud, there's some argument that Mary Magdalene is the same as "Miriam Megadla se'ar", a woman who gave birth to a person called "The Son of Stada" in Sabbath 104.2. This is an apocryphal Talmudic passage though, and there's nothing else to link the two. "
So. It seems that there is precisely as much substance to 'smoke-and-mirrors' James Cameron as there is to his Tory namesake.
My thanks to John Brownlee for the information.