Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Law is an ass.

A Hertfordshire Police Officer wrote into the Daily Mail this week to say that investigating alleged cases of racism and 'islamophobia' is so intrusive as to be having a profound and deleterious effect on the way they are allowed to do their jobs. Even wispy third party allegations must be fully investigated.
I wonder how many non-domestic burglaries [sheds and garages] were not investigated and the householder merely sent a 'crime number' instead? If they are not careful they will soon be having to reduce the number of mobile speed cameras - sorry! I meant 'SAFETY' cameras, of course.
Oh. Incidentally. Back to the main point. The vast number of complainants are WHITE!
Let's hear a warm round of applause for those wonderful busybodies of the PC lobby - and no! I don't mean Police Constables.

The Habit Which Is Family Worship.