The biggest single and direct factor is that imprisonment has dropped by significantly more than 80% in that time and is dropping still more. For example, when I was a JP, flashers who would have automatically been jailed previously would receive a lesser disposal; there was every chance that wanton vandalism would have received a custodial outcome 50 years ago but I never saw anybody jailed for this.
Shoplifters were only jailed in the most extreme of circumstances in my decade on the Bench. ABH would seldom attract custody. Driving while disqualified was 'entry point custody' when I began and you were unable to jail these people by the end of my time, courtesy of the 'tough' David Blunkett's guidelines.
When I began, the worst 3% of fine defaulters were locked up - when I finished - virtually none. Bail bandits used to be jailed automatically. Most now escape custody. The vast majority of offenders who breach court orders are not locked up Community punishments are systematically abused.
Persistent recidivists avoid prison throughout countless court visits - and remember that, on average, they will only be caught for 5% of their offences.
There are many reasons for offending: family breakdown, social and moral decline, spoilt children, lack of Christianity in upbringing et al. I refuse to include poverty as it is an insult to those brought up in the 1930s whose poverty was genuine.
BUT the biggest single factor is that a visit to court carries no fear whatsoever. I know, I have been outside courts when the riff raff are laughing at their absurdly lenient sentences.
The Law is generally tough enough in the statute books but all sentencing hinges on lamentable guidelines from on high.
Social disaster. The liberal approach has had free rein for a miserable half a century. They have failed BIG STYLE! Their solution? - More of the same. I despair.
Time to get tough with ALL offenders. Zero tolerance.
Too many offenders being sent down? - Were it not so desperately serious, I would be laughing.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/columnists/columnists.html?in_article_id=437040&in_page_id=1772&in_author_id=256