Secondly, I recall the bombardments we faced back in the 60s and 70s from significant portions of the scientific community who were insisting that we had to prepare for the 'ice age which would be arriving, sooner rather than later.'
Thirdly, I have just done a search through the Internet for information and it is filled with 'global warmers' insisting that there had never been any such claims 40 years ago and even if there had, it was only the odd crank. or so.
You have to be 50 or older to know from experience the lies told by Wilson and Heath to get the population to vote to stay in The Common Market in 1975. This represents considerably fewer than 50% of the population who can recall the truth. How so? -They were there!
SORRY. But I was there when those reports on global cooling came out by the bundle. I read them at the time. I experienced them and now people are lying and saying 'Ah well, it was just the media."
No. I was there. The people making such claims are not misguided, they are deliberately misleading us.
All these prognostications and scientists can't even get the weather right three days in advance!
LINK: http://www.businessandmedia.org/specialreports/