Thursday, May 31, 2007

Stop the rot.

We are frequently told that 'prison does not work'. - Well, if we take one particular view, for the precise time that the felon is imprisoned, he/she is not on the outside making everybody elses life a misery.

We are told 'prisons are universities of crime'. - Well, you will have to commit so many crimes today or crimes so serious, that if you do attend that college of higher learning, it will be with lecturer status.

We are told that prison fails because of recidivism rates. Well, have you seen the much higher rates of recidivism amongst those who are not jailed?

Of course, prison today is only an unpleasant experience in terms of the company you must keep [and most are amongst people of similar philosophy in any case] and that your disordered lifestyle is briefly interrupted.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Am I wrong?

Am I wrong to think after the diminution of the faith in the UK; quisling politicians and the worst Bank Holiday weather in an aeon, there is perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel?
What? You hadn't noticed that we virtually dissected the Windies in the second test?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Land and dogma.

The sheer insanity of the left never ceases to amaze. The writer of a letter on Teletext recently published figures about land ownership - clearly wanting to reinforce class warfare, envy and division. People who have more money than he has apparently own too much land for his liking.
Okay. If that's what rings your bell - then rant away.
Trouble was, he then went on to make the absurd and spurious claim that this was the cause of high house prices and housing shortages and this disaster had no connection to the vast hordes of new immigrants who greatly outnumber those who leave our shores - before we even consider illegals.
I ask you. Stop and ponder the logic of his statement for just one moment. - Right.
Clearly, demand outstrips supply. There are many causes for this but he was not even close!End of story.
It surely cannot be true that seemingly intelligent people on the left believe their own arguments. Can it?
Surely, basic logical progression must resonate with them very occasionally. Does it not?
Either they are truly stupid or dogma is more important than reality. Which it is, I have little idea, although I have long suspected that they actually know the weaknesses in their arguments and just do not care.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Just who is out of line?

'Dave' Cameron has opened up a can of worms with his attacks on grammar schools, largely accomplished through his mouthpiece, David Willets.

It has been assumed by the milksop that this is an area where votes can be won.

If we turn to the opinion poll in last week's Daily Mail, nothing could be further from the truth.

Across voters from all political persuasions, 66% would like to see at least one state grammar in every town - and there are only 2% more Tory voters than Labour who would like to see this.

What is really interesting, is that in social classes D&E, the figure rises to 80%!

So. Just who are the people who do not want grammar schooling? -
Enter stage left, our old friends, the out -of-touch-and anyway -we-don't-care-what-you-think-we-shall-do-what-we-damn-well-please brigade.

The longer I stay in UKIP, the more I realise that I am in precisely the right place.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I Feel Guilty.

Sometimes I have to admit that my attacks on do-gooders - some of whom can be genuine, Christian people - can cause me the occasional pang of guilt.
In one of the newspapers I review, there are frequent letters, in true do-gooder mould, from a kind lady.

Quite clearly, she is a lovely person; caring, socially-minded and would make a superb next door neighbour. She may or may not be a practising Christian.

Sadly, she has taken Christ's 'turn the other cheek' - which readers of this Blog or practising evangelicals will know is aimed at the individual Christian - and tries to apply it to society.

Much as you would have to love this lady, she is a perfect menace; she and others like her must shoulder the blame as they have paved the way for that lump of moral decay which today we call our society. [Of course, they could not have achieved this without being aided and abetted by cynical politicians.]

Christ said: "I have not come to change the Law but to bring you new Law." That means extras - it does not meaning cancelling out the original.

As the Old Covenant is replaced by the New, many liberal Christians have tried to abandon the Old Testament.

This leaves Christianity in a rather large, confused and illogical mess.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Only 100% wrong.

A Home Office report has concluded that convicts who have served sentences of less than 12 months are 50% more likely to reoffend within two years of release than those locked up for between one and four years.
It is not clear whether this refers to time actually served but seems to indicate that this is the case.

Amazing. The more severely criminals are punished, the less they offend. Who would have thought it?

Which do you think will now happen? Will they try to forget the report was ever made or will they try to explain away the inconsistencies in our government's failing policies on crime?

On the basis of 'never apologise, never explain' I expect them to try to pretend the report never happened

Friday, May 25, 2007

Uh, oh! Trouble Heading For Lithuania.

"Lithuanian officials in Vilnius have rejected an EU-sponsored, tolerance campaign rally over fears that the event could spark unrest in the Baltic country known for its anti-gay sentiments."
Oh my. Are the Lithuanians in trouble, now!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Integrity in Politics.

In September 2005, the prize giving at the Royal Grammar School in Guildford had 'Dave' Cameron - the well known old Etonian to deliver the keynote speech.
Guess what. He stated: "Its a travesty that grammar schools have been phased out and if elected I will do everything in my power to keep them."
'Travesty'? - Hypocrite!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Double standards at their most striking.

A girl at a school in Horsham has been banned from wearing a Christian bracelet. The ban there fails to include Muslim, Sikh and Hindu jewellery of various sorts, but NO Christian items are allowed.

It is happening still. Perhaps you did not think that Christians are persecuted in our once free nation.

Clearly, the regular biases seen of this type prove that it is not religion which offends the liberal left but only Christianity.

They have clearly recognised that there is something which sets us apart from all other religions. Ours not only has the Truth but is the only Truth. Our God is ALIVE and anybody can prove that in their own life. It is not just some theory.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The advantages of violence.

HUNDREDS of failed asylum seekers have been allowed to stay in Britain because they were so rowdy that airlines refused to take them back to their own countries.Ministers have admitted they have had to abort attempts to deport morethan a thousand asylum seekers in the last two years because they became so aggressive they posed a safety threat to fellow passengers.They had to be returned to detention in the UK and in some cases could only be successfully removed from the country when accompanied by in-flight escorts, costing the taxpayer thousands of pounds a time.

I am speechless!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Earth and Mars Warm To Each Other.

Senior Russian Scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov, of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, St. Petersburg, has studied changes in the sun's irradiance and believes that both Mars and Earth are going through a warm period due to changes in the sun's heat levels. Abdussamatov commented that our contribution to global warming is but small.
This has been investigated because the temperatures on earth and on Mars seem to be working in tandem.
Abdussamatov actually predicts a 'steep cooling' in the next 15-20 years.


Sunday, May 20, 2007


I watched the rather shallow Channel 4 programme about the problems in Jerusalem last night. It was not so much what was said - which was fair enough in its execution - but rather the tremendous omissions which devalued the whole exercise.
Not a word about the Balfour Declaration or the agreement with the Arab peoples which had preceded it, as well as the playing down of the fact that Israel's very existence is threatened by surrounding nations who do not believe that she has any right to even exist. It is all very well for Paddy Ashdown to say he believes that it should - but, so what?

There was virtually no mention of the broad divisions within the Israeli nation and this in spite of the fact that the variety of people interviewed could have brought this point across.

Mr Ashdown gave viewers no insights whatsoever to the even deeper divides amongst the Palestinian people.
He forgot to mention Yasser Arafat's intransigence in Oslo when solutions were genuinely seeming possible.

He seemed to believe that a nation which has been invaded treacherously on four occasions since 1948 and which faces suicide bombers at every turn can act in liberal manner in terms of security. It cannot.

He certainly showed the innate unfairness of the Israelis in power but failed to note the persecution of Christians and the historical and ongoing onslaughts against the few remaining Jews in Palestinian areas which rather suggests a lack of balance.

Worst of all, even after proving how entrenched the rival positions were, he emerged with a simplistic solution to the problems with what I suspect was meant to be an appeal to everybody's good will.

Good will!?

To gain a far superior overview, I strongly recommend Con Coghlan's excellent; "A Golden Basin Full of Scorpions." It is very evenhanded and is deeply insightful.
NOTE: The Rod Liddle programme on Jerusalem on the 20th of May fell into all the same traps. [Just how does that man of such limited talents manage to get so much air time on Channel 4. Is he a major shareholder?]

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I return to the vexed issue of crime after yet again becoming a victim. [I am now on first name terms with the SOCO!]

A disabled burglar alarm, serious damage, disruption, mess, vehicle onto the premises and the removal of a one ton safe all formed part of the highly professional raid on our school in the early hours of Friday morning.

The stress caused to senior management in particular but to all staff was and remains, inestimable.

The damage to pupils, education and the smooth running of our little project has been enormous.

A number of people have had their workplaces and key documents thrown into chaos.

This is simply evil and demands social retribution. The rules are that society should use the balanced punishments lex talionis style and the Christian, knowing that there is justice and vindication in the execution of the Law, is then in a position to shun all feelings of revenge and MUST be prepared to forgive the perpetrators.

It is most difficult for this to be accomplished when society has effectively broken its part of the bargain; when senior legal figures want us to veer away from all punishment. But when there is no evidence of repentance....

What a dreadful society we live in!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Kangaroo fossil.

On the 7th of May, a fossil of a giant kangaroo was uncovered on Darling Downs, Australia.
Evolution claims that animals are evolving but countless fossil finds indicate the opposite.
The offspring of this mighty roo and his relatives have deteriorated or degenerated into the genuinely inferior specimens we have today.
Considerable numbers of current species are represented by bigger and finer examples in the rocks.
For reasons best known to their consciences. evolutionary geologists play down this serious challenge to their bankrupt philosophy.

Let us forget those areas which may be observed such as: entropy, devolution, the simplification of languages, the invariably negative effects of mutations and let us concentrate on an evolutionary fantasy which was invented with the sole purpose of obviating the need for a creator God.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Multiculturalism or integration - you can't have both.

If a Muslim converts to another religion, 36 per cent of 16-to-24-year-olds thought this should be punished by death, compared with 19 per cent of 55s and over.

This is just one of many extremely disturbing results in a Populus poll some months ago. Many believe that 'multiculturalism' has proved to be a dark, dangerous and sinister replacement for the integration in which so many of us can happily believe.

Indeed so subtle is the use of the word 'multiculturalism' that a considerable number [In my view, a majority] of the population believe the two principles to be one and the same thing!

Labour, Lib Dems and Greens have long supported the idea and of course, Cameron's lickspittle Tories are now hurling themselves onto this particular bandwagon with all the joy and intelligence of lemmings spotting a cliff.

One tiny chink of light at the end of a very long tunnel is that Trevor Phillips of the CRE and Archbishop John Sentamu are amongst a small phalanx of noteworthy figures from the liberal establishment who have broken ranks to speak against 'multiculturalism'.

news/news.html? in_article_id=432075&in_page_id=1770&ct=5

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Weak on crime; weak on the causes of crime.

Crimes by prisoners released early from jail who have been 'tagged' have risen by a mere 400%.
First introduced by an abject Blair so as to try to avoid providing sufficient prison places, it is yet one more Blair 'initiative' in the non-fight against crime which is in total meltdown.

[Do not forget that released 'lifers' are killing at the rate of one a fortnight!]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Perceptions of the Almighty.

Do you recall the sweet but dopey prison warder in 'Porridge'? A true do-gooder who always missed the point and the old lags pulled the wool over his eyes with alarming frequency?
Mr Barraclough played, if I remember correctly, by the excellent Brian Wilde.

The problem is that our awesome, almighty, omnipotent , all-seeing Father in Heaven is believed by many to be the soppy equivalent of this TV character.

Do we really think that He will indulgently ignore our sin - on a nationwide or international scale?

He is a God of purity and righteousness.

His anger is terrible and we pretend this is not so. We pretend that He is all-forgiving and conveniently forget that repentance is the key to accessing the forgiveness bought for us by the blood of God the Son at Calvary.

Too few churches today take seriously the Great Commission and thus, too many in the world are unaware of the depths of their error. They think that merely believing in the existence of God is the key to salvation. - Why should it be?

The responsibility of Christians is to reach the lost but remember, do-gooders tend to work, blindfolded, in the social realm and seldom access the spiritual.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Split up and profit.

The Institute of Economic Affairs released statistics in March which proved that parents who earn less than £50k per annum would be better off splitting up.
Benefits and taxation policies are totally weighed in favour of lone or single parents.

As marriage is the bedrock of society, I wonder if Tony Blair will be claiming this as one of his 'achievements'?

In all fairness, we must recognise that this socially debilitating process began under the reign of his predecessor, the adulterous John Major.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Simply excellent.

Conservative MP Ann Winterton is sponsoring a Private Members' Bill through the Commons in June. It is designed to build in a 'cooling off' period of 7 days for those wanting abortions when counselling can be given.
It rather depends on just who is doing the counselling but is a worthy beginning.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Missing police.

Have you ever noticed the literally hundreds - sometimes thousands of police - on duty for a large football match, not including the ones inside the ground paid for by the club?

Did you know that in a town of 90,000 people a mere four will be patrolling at any one time?

I was told that the streets of the city of Manchester have just fourteen patrolling on any typical Saturday night.

With a now massive police force of record proportions - sorry there, of course I meant service - of 143,000 (??!!!) we now have fewer police on the streets than any time in history.

[You would be well advised to read 'A Brief History of Crime' by Peter Hitchens if you want full, sad details of why this is the case.]

So where are all these missing officers? - They are involved in 'initiatives', bureaucracy, bridge-building exercises, more bureaucracy, courses learning how to become politically correct, over-policing sports events, off sick, compiling statistics, learning how to make graphs and how to massage crime figures.

Little wonder that I refused to believe my Mum when she made the laughable and outrageous claim that she had seen two officers walking down our street some two months ago. That is just pure fantasy. Why, the last time that happened was ... now, let me see ... well... er ... never!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Well Rid.

In his interview Blair said that “We must listen to the people.” However, he immediately went on to say that the negotiations should take place in secret: “We want a modified treaty which improves the working rules of Europe. As for the details, I am not going to negotiate them in public.” (Le Monde, 20 April)
Open government? Honesty? Integrity? Democracy? - I think that we shall be well rid of this mendacious creature. The only problem is that, as readers of this Blog will well know, the flaws in his likely successor are a great many.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The GTC.

The General Teaching Council is a rather dubious, government-instituted body which allegedly is about maintaining high standards in the teaching profession.
If it were to be fighting against grade dilution, empty initiatives from on high, falling disciplinary standards and the lack of desire to attempt to put right a corrupt system, we should perhaps be able to see some sort of value.

I wonder if you recall an ex teacher by the name of Angela Mason who, in the guise of an ordinary supply teacher, helped in the making of a programme which exposed the glimpse into hell which is the reality in so many classes in so many comprehensives today - and not just in the so-called 'sink' schools.

Presumably, it is on the rather spurious grounds that what she did was done with hidden cameras and recorders that they angrily want to destroy her.

Happily though, she has now left teaching and is earning a crust in an area of life which may allow her to maintain her sanity.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Under Class.

I once had a major argument with a Probation Officer about the underclass. After a lengthy time, I realised we were not talking about the same thing at all. She meant that handful of people who fall through the cracks in the welfare system. I did not.
To me, the underclass is not defined as much by relative poverty as it is a lifestyle; an attitude; a state of mind.

Imagine you are 25 and drawing benefits. Your council flat is paid for. You are answerable to nobody and get up in what ever part of the afternoon you choose. If you are truly canny and streetwise you may well have got yourself on disability benefits knowing that this is a milch cow for life - which is just as well as your indisciplined life, motormouth and inability to follow any task through, have rendered you unemployable anyway.

You do occasional cash-in-hand jobs for unscrupulous businessmen you know. You sell contraband cigarettes and do a little wheeling-and-dealing with goods which have 'fallen off the back of a lorry'.

You are generally anti social and any family remnant around you will typically make appalling neighbours. You keep unsociable hours and play your music loudly until the police are called whom you tell to **** off in full knowledge that there is effectively nothing which can be done about you - not in the short or medium term at least.
You bring large amounts of children into the world who learn from you.

You despise all authority: social workers, police, teachers, probation officers and you enjoy browbeating your doctor into signing all sorts of forms to back you up. Nonetheless, you will continue to enjoy all the benefits of our society without ever making any contribution.

All of this before we even consider the hardcore criminals who live in this world. You abuse bail; laugh at court orders; fail to pay your fines and do not worry too much about a short stretch in Doncatraz as you already know that the facilities are very fine and it is no more than a very minor inconvenience.

You laugh at your neighbours and see them as fools as they, though fairly poor, try to lead an honest hardworking life.

Your knocked off electrical goods, cheap fags, Benidorm holidays, untaxed, untested and uninsured vehicle ensure that your carefree lifestyle is infinitely better than theirs and do-gooders truly believe that you want to give this all up in exchange for a job and becoming a respectable contributor to society!

"If a man will not work - let him not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10. The Apostle Paul surely got that one right!

And this before we consider the majority in this group who are active in the world of drugs.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Propaganda Never Ends.

Hectoring, self-important, American politician Al Gore has tried to earn a name for himself with his 'wonderful work' on climate change. High profile; surrounded by so-called celebrities; this epitome of nobility has released a film on the 'facts' about climate change.
There is a school's version which is not only to be released into this country but is to be sent into every school.

Never mind that the scientific basis of the film has been discredited [See posting 9/3/07] - no - every fact about evolution taught as fact in our school already has been rejected by 'respectable evolutionists' - so filling our childreen's heads with pseudo-scientific piffle is not exactly breaking new ground.

Fortunately, this decision is to be challenged in the courts. The grounds of the challenge, by a parent, are that the government has no entitlement to 'sell' politically controversial ideas in our schools.

Just when is the indoctrinatrion of our children going to end? Why are the vast majority of parents so uncaring and apathetic?

Today, I recommend that you check thoroughly all the links below.


Monday, May 07, 2007

David Pawson?

I believe that it was David Pawson who stated: " If God's Holy Spirit were to be withdrawn from all British churches - 90% would carry on as if nothing had happened." - !!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


EU Commission Official, Bernard Connolly was sacked for writing a book critical of the euro and challenged his dismissal on grounds of free speech only to be informed that free speech was not an absolute right: criticism of the EU, “like blasphemy”, was not covered.

Ironically, I think it was Delors who said that criticism of the EU is akin to blasphemy.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


I wonder if Polish people and politicians read this Blog? - Unlikely! - But if they did, they would have already known that the EU will not allow them to take a moral stance on homosexual issues.

"EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Poland has lost its case against a group of gay parade organisers, with the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights ruling unanimously that Warsaw's ban on a 2005 rally - which took place anyway - was illegal."


Friday, May 04, 2007

A hard choice!

I came across this little titbit recently which I present without comment:

Do you believe in the rights of women, or do you believe in multiculturalism? A series of verdicts in the German courts in the past month, have shown with hot, hard logic that you can't back both. You have to choose.
The crux case centres on a woman called Nishal, a 26-year-old Moroccan immigrant to Germany with two kids and a psychotic husband. Since their wedding night, this husband beat the hell out of her. She crawled to the police covered in wounds, and they ordered the husband to stay away from her. He refused. He terrorised her with death threats.
So Nishal went to the courts to request an early divorce, hoping that once they were no longer married he would leave her alone. A judge who believed in the rights of women would find it very easy to make a judgement: you're free from this man, case dismissed.
But Judge Christa Datz-Winter followed the logic of multiculturalism instead. She said she would not grant an early divorce because - despite the police documentation of extreme violence and continued threats - there was no "unreasonable hardship" here.
Why? Because the woman, as a Muslim, should have "expected" it, the judge explained. She read out passages from the Koran to show that Muslim husbands have the "right to use corporal punishment". Look at Sura 4, verse 34, she said to Nishal, where the Koran says he can hammer you. That's your culture. Goodbye, and enjoy your beatings.

Remember - this is how it is in the EU and with the linked European Courts! As for Islam...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Green Tyranny.

I am probably more green than most; responsible with rubbish, turning lights off, willing to recycle, terrified of waste and careful with resources.
I am however, beginning to lose all respect for some, apparently intelligent, voters. There are hordes of people making suggestions as to how Gordon Brown can more effectively add to our tax burden by using connections to so-called green issues.
He is already considering a tax on gardens; extra tax if your house has been kept in good condition and a rejigging of Council tax bands with only one aim in mind.
Well, I suppose somebody must pay for: warmongering, illegal immigrants, membership of the EU, the workshy, the after effects of crime, bureaucracy and madcap governmental schemes.
We are probably the most over-taxed nation on the planet - now even beating Sweden - and these turkeys-voting-for-Christmas types are playing right into his hands.
Heaven preserve us from those voters who allow themselves to be bought and sold through soundbites!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Attacks on Christianity are gathering pace.

It is my brief to follow articles, letters and items of interest in the media for information of a political nature.
Over the best part of six years I have also taken a considerable interest in all matters pertaining to the Christian Faith as I have done this work
Whether it be on TV, In Letters Pages, in straightforward articles, in slanted documentaries or in government legislation, I have never in my lifetime witnessed such an onslaught against both Christian rights and the Gospel itself.
In the last year alone, the attacks have been launched with an unconcealed venom unthinkable even three years ago. Deeply sinister hatreds have surfaced and been allowed to run across a wide variety of the media in general whilst laws which threaten the core of the Faith itself have been enacted by a government led by a man claiming to be a Christian. I shall repeat "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Perhaps my readers were unaware of the extent our society has moved in such a short time. The longterm attacks through the education system have been calculatedlty subtle but the more open attacks are more than mere sniping.
I am in a position to have more of an overview than most. Now you know these facts - keep a weather eye open yourself but be prepared to be horrified.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

'Asylum' & 'Lunatics'. Put into Your Own Sentence.

Did you really think that this nation runs its own affairs? Are you surprised that only 27% of those recently polled by ICM want to remain in the EU on the present terms? Did you expect that there would be as many as 69% effectively asking for us to have a 'looser relationship' with the EU? Does our democratic system terrify or merely annoy you when all major parties and Greens colluded together not to mention the EU during the whole of the last election campaign?
Is the EU itself a repository for assorted out of control loonies?

Consider this information:

Remember that the EU’s own Human Rights Agency (née Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia) has defined opposition to the euro as “monetary xenophobia”.

I could cry.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...