Thursday, May 03, 2007

Green Tyranny.

I am probably more green than most; responsible with rubbish, turning lights off, willing to recycle, terrified of waste and careful with resources.
I am however, beginning to lose all respect for some, apparently intelligent, voters. There are hordes of people making suggestions as to how Gordon Brown can more effectively add to our tax burden by using connections to so-called green issues.
He is already considering a tax on gardens; extra tax if your house has been kept in good condition and a rejigging of Council tax bands with only one aim in mind.
Well, I suppose somebody must pay for: warmongering, illegal immigrants, membership of the EU, the workshy, the after effects of crime, bureaucracy and madcap governmental schemes.
We are probably the most over-taxed nation on the planet - now even beating Sweden - and these turkeys-voting-for-Christmas types are playing right into his hands.
Heaven preserve us from those voters who allow themselves to be bought and sold through soundbites!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?