Monday, May 28, 2007

Just who is out of line?

'Dave' Cameron has opened up a can of worms with his attacks on grammar schools, largely accomplished through his mouthpiece, David Willets.

It has been assumed by the milksop that this is an area where votes can be won.

If we turn to the opinion poll in last week's Daily Mail, nothing could be further from the truth.

Across voters from all political persuasions, 66% would like to see at least one state grammar in every town - and there are only 2% more Tory voters than Labour who would like to see this.

What is really interesting, is that in social classes D&E, the figure rises to 80%!

So. Just who are the people who do not want grammar schooling? -
Enter stage left, our old friends, the out -of-touch-and anyway -we-don't-care-what-you-think-we-shall-do-what-we-damn-well-please brigade.

The longer I stay in UKIP, the more I realise that I am in precisely the right place.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?