Thursday, May 31, 2007

Stop the rot.

We are frequently told that 'prison does not work'. - Well, if we take one particular view, for the precise time that the felon is imprisoned, he/she is not on the outside making everybody elses life a misery.

We are told 'prisons are universities of crime'. - Well, you will have to commit so many crimes today or crimes so serious, that if you do attend that college of higher learning, it will be with lecturer status.

We are told that prison fails because of recidivism rates. Well, have you seen the much higher rates of recidivism amongst those who are not jailed?

Of course, prison today is only an unpleasant experience in terms of the company you must keep [and most are amongst people of similar philosophy in any case] and that your disordered lifestyle is briefly interrupted.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?