Over the best part of six years I have also taken a considerable interest in all matters pertaining to the Christian Faith as I have done this work
Whether it be on TV, In Letters Pages, in straightforward articles, in slanted documentaries or in government legislation, I have never in my lifetime witnessed such an onslaught against both Christian rights and the Gospel itself.
In the last year alone, the attacks have been launched with an unconcealed venom unthinkable even three years ago. Deeply sinister hatreds have surfaced and been allowed to run across a wide variety of the media in general whilst laws which threaten the core of the Faith itself have been enacted by a government led by a man claiming to be a Christian. I shall repeat "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Perhaps my readers were unaware of the extent our society has moved in such a short time. The longterm attacks through the education system have been calculatedlty subtle but the more open attacks are more than mere sniping.
I am in a position to have more of an overview than most. Now you know these facts - keep a weather eye open yourself but be prepared to be horrified.