Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Propaganda Never Ends.

Hectoring, self-important, American politician Al Gore has tried to earn a name for himself with his 'wonderful work' on climate change. High profile; surrounded by so-called celebrities; this epitome of nobility has released a film on the 'facts' about climate change.
There is a school's version which is not only to be released into this country but is to be sent into every school.

Never mind that the scientific basis of the film has been discredited [See posting 9/3/07] - no - every fact about evolution taught as fact in our school already has been rejected by 'respectable evolutionists' - so filling our childreen's heads with pseudo-scientific piffle is not exactly breaking new ground.

Fortunately, this decision is to be challenged in the courts. The grounds of the challenge, by a parent, are that the government has no entitlement to 'sell' politically controversial ideas in our schools.

Just when is the indoctrinatrion of our children going to end? Why are the vast majority of parents so uncaring and apathetic?

Today, I recommend that you check thoroughly all the links below.




Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
