Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Perceptions of the Almighty.

Do you recall the sweet but dopey prison warder in 'Porridge'? A true do-gooder who always missed the point and the old lags pulled the wool over his eyes with alarming frequency?
Mr Barraclough played, if I remember correctly, by the excellent Brian Wilde.

The problem is that our awesome, almighty, omnipotent , all-seeing Father in Heaven is believed by many to be the soppy equivalent of this TV character.

Do we really think that He will indulgently ignore our sin - on a nationwide or international scale?

He is a God of purity and righteousness.

His anger is terrible and we pretend this is not so. We pretend that He is all-forgiving and conveniently forget that repentance is the key to accessing the forgiveness bought for us by the blood of God the Son at Calvary.

Too few churches today take seriously the Great Commission and thus, too many in the world are unaware of the depths of their error. They think that merely believing in the existence of God is the key to salvation. - Why should it be?

The responsibility of Christians is to reach the lost but remember, do-gooders tend to work, blindfolded, in the social realm and seldom access the spiritual.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
