Saturday, February 23, 2008

Educational claptrap.

Please read this:
A GOVERNMENT-FUNDED report that says grammar schools should be scrapped in the interests of greater equality in education also advocates the wider use of lotteries to allocate places in oversubscribed schools.
The report, from researchers at Sheffield Hallam University and the London-based National Centre for Social Research, goes on to claim that faith schools take more of their pupils from wealthier backgrounds than community schools. “We have seen that voluntary aided schools have socially segregated intakes.”
The report admits, however, that its data on segregation was supplied by Professor Anne West of the London School of Economics, and Rebecca Allen, a research student at the London Institute of Education, who gave a paper to the British Education Research Foundation last September, alleging that church schools in London educated fewer children from deprived families and ethnic minorities than comparable community schools.

NOW. Take out all the pap, prejudice, social engineering, politics-of-envy and sociological bunkum - now you may ask the very reasonable question.

What does ANY of this rubbish have to do with education?

The left have never stopped their meddlesome politicking for nearly 50 years.
Education is about having the opportunity to learn and you grasping what is offered. All this tinkering to achieve the never achievable - even heinous - "equality of outcome" is the purest of nonsense.

Assisted Dying.

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