Thursday, February 07, 2008

Feminist hatred.

Over years I have heard a great many women who were clearly NOT feminists describe themselves thus.

Usually, these have believed in equality and were really nice people, in which case, they could hardly be described as feminist as this is essentially a doctrine of the purest hatred and utterly inappropriate in the Christian Church. [Inevitably, it is heavily represented in the liberal church!]

The purest of feminism - clearly, there are degrees - requires a hatred of mankind, a dedication to unfairness, being prepared to see social decay because of their 'ideals' and almost inevitably, a leftwing starting point.

I shall invite you to prove this point for yourself. Try to get hold of any strident piece of feminist writing and then do a little substituting.

Replace 'man' with 'woman' and vice verca, 'he' to 'she' etc.

Now read the piece and ask if you, particularly if male, would be allowed to make any of these statements in your workplace without getting sacked for being sexist.

'Sexism', like 'racism' is a one way street and may never be used both ways.

If you employ this trick, you will be genuinely horrified by what you read and will quickly recognise that the stereotyping which is revealed and has gradually been slipped under our guard.

Ladies - please strive for equality where still necessary but please never link yourselves with these appalling harridans of dissension and hatred.

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